
Pliny News & Newsletter

Here you can find information, news, events, publications and curiosities on Pliny the Elder’s world (and beyond):

  • artistic terminology and theories;
  • artworks and their reception, artistic techniques and materials;
  • artists’s biographies and carriers;
  • Pliny’s sources, ancient art treatises and methodologies applied to fragmentary literature;
  • cultural and historical context of the Early Imperial Age;
  • Pliny’s manuscript tradition and reception.

If you want to recommend events and publications, please contact us at   Scientific board: Francesca D’Andrea (2021-), Eva Falaschi (2014-), Giulietta Guerini (2021-), Elisa Lonati (2021-), Alessandro Poggio (2014-2020). Editorial board: Francesca D’Andrea (2021-), Eva Falaschi (2014-), Giulietta Guerini (2021-), Maria Ida Gulletta (2020-), Elisa Lonati (2021-), Alessandro Poggio (2014-2020).

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Newsletter Archive

Oltreplinio News – july 2023

Materiality and Immateriality of Ancient Law (76th Session of the Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits)

University of Helsinki, August 22-26, 2023

L’Ars grammatica di Prisciano come fonte di tradizione indiretta

Sapienza Università di Roma, September 6-8, 2023

Caelius Aurelianus: Medicine and the Medical Tradition

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, September 14-15, 2023

Brightening the Dark Ages: Archaic Greek Culture and Its Past

Academy of Athens, September 27-30, 2023

R. Degl’Innocenti Pierini, Alle origini della poesia paesaggistica latina: Ennio e il frammento tragico incerto 133-7 R.2-3, Prometheus 49 (2023), 113-126.

M. Villetard, Archéologie des lieux d’enseignement dans le monde romain, Lens: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2023.

H. Vial, Le Contre Ibis d’Ovide ou la colère métamorphosée, Vaucresson: Éditions Les Cent Chemins, 2023.

A. Dardenay – L. Bricault (eds.), Gods in the House. Anthropology of Roman Housing – II (Antiquité et sciences humaines 9), Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.

V.E. Pagán (ed.), The Tacitus Encyclopedia, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2023.

J. Powers, Roman Landscapes: Visions of Nature and Myth from Rome and Pompeii, San Antonio: San Antonio Museum of Art, 2023.


M. Stefani, L’area archeologica del Sepolcro degli Scipioni a Roma: analisi delle strutture di età imperiale e tardo antica, Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2022.  


M. Lentano, Stranieri. Storie e immagini dell’altro nella cultura romana, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2023.

L. Roig Lanzillotta – J. Luís Brandão – C. Teixeira – Á. Rodrigues (eds.), Roman Identity. Between Ideal and Performance (Antiquité et sciences humaines 8), Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.

M. Martelli, Medicine in Early Graeco-Egyptian Alchemical Texts (1st-3rd Century AD), Technai 14 (2023), 9-27.


V. Brinkmann – U. Koch-Brinkmann, Tracking Blue. Some Remarks on Blue Colour Materials in the Polychromy of Ancient Greek Sculpture, Technai 14 (2023), 31-49.


C. Viano, Noir alchimique: questions d’étymologie et de transmutation, Technai 13 (2022), 143-155.


M. Cilione, Pythagorica medica. Scienza e sapienza nella tradizione preippocratica, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2023.

A. Marcucci, Sul valore di ἄγαλμα e di ἀνδριάς in alcuni passi di Menandro, di Platone, di ps. Scilace e di Euripide, Sileno 48.1-2 (2022), 187-204.

E. Valette – S. Wyler (eds.), Spectateurs grecs et romains. Corps, régimes de présence, modalités d’attention, Paris: Hermann, 2023.

A. Viscogliosi, The Temple of Apollo “In Circo”. And the Creation of an Augustan Architectural Language, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2023.

R. Berg, Il Mundus Muliebris a Pompei. Specchi e oggetti da toletta in contesti domestici, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2023.

G. Hawes, Pausanias in the World of Greek Myth, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.


M. Fruyt – M. Lasagna, Les animaux aquatiques en latin: étude linguistique et sociétale, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2023.

Barthélemy l’Anglais, De proprietatibus rerum. Volume III: Liber VI, VIII et IX, ed. by I. Draelants, E. Frunzeanu, J. G. Lidaka, R. Suntrup, G. Zarra, I. Ventura, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.

N. Andrade – R. Raja (eds.), Exchange and Reuse in Roman Palmyra. Examining Economy and Circularity, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.

H.O. Bizzarri, El exemplum antiguo: modelos de conducta y formas de sabiduría en la España medieval, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.

A. Bonandini – L. Boulègue – G. Ieranò (eds.), Le Dialogue de l’Antiquité à l’âge humaniste. Péripéties d’un genre dramatique et philosophique, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023.

F. Daubner, Besprechung zu Pliny the Elder’s World. Natural History, Books 2-6, Orbis Terrarum. Rivista Internazionale di Geografia Storica del Mondo Antico 20 (2022), 317.

A. Rouveret, Certamen artis ac naturae. Couleurs et matières dans la définition plinienne de la peinture (Histoire naturelle, livre 35), Technai 14 (2023), 71-98.


F. Feraco, Plinio, nat. 2, 227-228: un problema di ‘fonti’, Bollettino di Studi Latini 53.1 (2023), 150-160.

C. Ballestrazzi, The Colours of Gemstones in Pliny the Elder’s Natural History, Book 37, Technai 14 (2023), 99-121.


E. Migliore, Fenestella fonte di Plinio il Vecchio: natura, erudizione e cronografia (a proposito di Plin. 33, 146; 8, 19; 15, 1), in M. De Nonno – E. Romano (eds.), Atti del VI Seminario Nazionale CUSL per dottorandi e dottori di ricerca in studi latini, Palermo: Palumbo Editore (Biblioteca di ClassicoContemporaneo 14), 2022, 142-163.

B.M. Gauly, Flüsse und Seen in Plinius’ Briefen: Zur Frage der Kohärenz der Sammlung, in S. Fascione (ed.), Concatenantur sibi epistulae nostrae. Reading Ancient Latin Letter Collections (23-24 September 2021), Campobasso-Foggia: Il Castello Edizioni, 2022, 143-164.

LGPN-Ling: Étymologie et sémantique des noms de personnes grecs antiques


V. Evangelidis, The Archaeology of Roman Macedonia: Urban and Rural Environments, Oxford: Oxbow, 2022.


M. Ravallese, Le parole degli sconfitti. Ebrei e Romani nella Guerra Giudaica di Flavio Giuseppe, Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 2023.

F. Romana Berno, Roman Luxuria. A Literary and Cultural History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

L. Braccesi, Potere e follia. Gli eredi di Augusto, le loro madri, sorelle e consorti, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2023.

B. Klein, Der bunte Roman: Der Farbgebrauch im antiken und christlichen Roman unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Petrons Satyrica, den Metamorphosen des Apuleius und den pseudoklementinischen Rekognitionen, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2022.


G. Clemente, La Notitia Dignitatum e altri saggi di tarda antichità, M. Maiuro – M. Lanciotti (eds.), Bari: Edipuglia, 2022.

C. Codoñer (ed.), Isidore de Séville, Étymologies Livre X. Términos relativos al ser humano, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2023.

F. Dimpflmeier (ed.), «Il coro disvela una legge segreta». James G. Frazer fra antropologia, studi classici e letteratura, Roma: Carocci, 2023.

D.M. Campanaro, Coming to Light: Illuminating the House of the Greek Epigrams in Pompeii, AJA 127.2 (2023), 263-292.

A. Dardenay, L’insula V d’Herculanum. Transformations spatiales et diachroniques de l’architecture et du décor des habitations, Leuven: Peeters, 2022.

M. Carroll (ed.), The Making of a Roman Imperial Estate: Archaeology in the Vicus at Vagnari, Puglia (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 88), Oxford: Archaeopress, 2022.


V. Evangelidis, The Archaeology of Roman Macedonia: Urban and Rural Environments, Oxford: Oxbow, 2022.


C. Manetta, Le tombe dipinte della Bulgaria, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2023.

L. Canfora, Catilina. Una rivoluzione mancata, Roma: Laterza, 2023.

É. Wolff (ed.), Les jeux sur les mots, les lettres et les sons dans les textes latins, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2023.

M. Garani – D. Konstan – G. Reydams-Schils (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

P. Gatti (ed.), Nonio Marcello, De conpendiosa doctrina II.1. Liber IV (A-F), Firenze: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2022.

P. Gatti – M. De Lazzer (eds.), Cassiodoro, Complexiones, Firenze: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2023.

F. Petrarca, Le postille alla Naturalis Historia (Codice Par. Lat. 6802), edizione critica a cura di Giulia Perucchi (Petrarca del centenario 18), Firenze: Le Lettere, 2022.

A. Piqueux, The Comic Body in Ancient Greek Theatre and Art, 440-320 BCE, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.

H. Autengruber-Thüry, Hunde in der römischen Antike: Rassen/Typen – Zucht – Haltung und Verwendung, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2021.


G. Hawes, Pausanias in the World of Greek Myth, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.

I.G. Mastrorosa – É. Gavoille (eds.), Enjeux environnementaux et souci de la nature, de la Rome ancienne à la Renaissance. Questioni ambientali e senso della natura da Roma antica al Rinascimento, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2023.

M. Galli – T. Ismaelli, Basilica Iulia I. Gli scavi di Laura Fabbrini (1960-1964). Strutture, stratigrafie e materiali dalla prima Età repubblicana alla costruzione augustea, Istanbul: Phoibos Verlag, 2022.

F. Villedieu, La Vigna Barberini III. La cenatio rotunda (Roma antica 9), Roma: École Française de Rome, 2021.

P. Fleury – S. Madeleine (eds.), Topographie et urbanisme de la Rome antique. Actes du colloque organisé à Caen (11-13 décembre 2019), Caen: Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2022.

C.R. Potts (ed.), Architecture in Ancient Central Italy: Connections in Etruscan and Early Roman Building, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.


M. Popkin, Souvenirs and the Experience of Empire in Ancient Rome, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.


S. Ciambelli, I Collegia e le relazioni clientelari, Bologna: Pàtron Editore, 2022.

P. Paré-Rey, Histoire culturelle des éditions latines des tragédies de Sénèque (1478-1878), Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023.

A. Garcea – D. Vallat (eds.), Ars et commentarius. La grammaire dans le commentaire de Servius à Virgile (Corpus Christianorum Lingua Patrum 14), Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

I. Morresi (ed.), Cassiodori Senatoris Institutiones humanarum litterarum. Textus Φ Δ (Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 99A), Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

P. Mudry, Cendres et mystères. Encore sur la mort de Pline l’Ancien, Classica Vox 4 (2022), 87-96.

E. Migliario, Da Catone a Plinio: quali Reti?, Geographia Antiqua 31 (2022), 131-141.

G. La Bua, Il linguaggio della satira nell’epistolario pliniano, Paideia 77 (2022), 157-174.

R. Marks – M. Mogetta (eds.), Domitian’s Rome and the Augustan Legacy, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2021.

A. Lóio (ed.), Editing and Commenting on Statius’ Silvae (Mnemosyne Supplements 464), Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2023.

G. Blanc – F. Galtier – R. Poignault (eds.), Présence de Juvénal, Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2022.

D. Agri, Reading Fear in Flavian Epic: Emotion, Power, and Stoicism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.

C. Urlacher-Becht, Dictionnaire de l’épigramme littéraire dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.

S. Medas, Nautica Antica. Itinerari nel mondo della navigazione, tra storia, archeologia ed etnografia, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2022.

O. Bobou – A.C. Miranda – R. Raja (eds.), Archival Historiographies. The Impact of Twentieth-Century Legacy Data on Archaeological Investigations (Archive Archaeology 3), Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

C. Ranoutsaki, Purpur in Byzanz: Privileg und Würdeformel, Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2022.


M. Righetti – A.M. D’Achille (eds.), Roma medievale. Il volto perduto della città, Roma: De Luca Editori d’Arte, 2022.


Antiquitatum Thesaurus


R. Saller, Pliny’s Roman Economy. Natural History, Innovation, and Growth, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022.

Pliny the Elder’s World. Natural History, Books 2-6, translated by B. Turner – R.J.A. Talbert, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.

E. Paredes Martín, Sobre la fecha de promulgación del edictum de latinidad vespasianeo a las provincias hispanas (Plin. n.h. 3.30). Entre el ‘año de los cuatro emperadores’ y la censura imperial del 73/74, Athenaeum 110/2 (2022), 442-485.

N.T. Arrington, Athens at the Margins: Pottery and People in the Early Mediterranean World, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021.


P. Li Causi, Finalità complementari e sfruttamento degli animali. Una lettura di Arist. Pol. 1256b.7-26, Athenaeum 110/2 (2022), 357-372.

M.F. Ferrini, Chromata. Lessico dei termini greci di colore, vol. 3: gamma, Macerata: eum, 2022.

F. Morosi, Delfi nel prologo delle Eumenidi: due note archeologiche, Aevum Antiquum 22 (2022), 287-305.

M. Di Marzio, Alessandro I e Ierone a Delfi: statue e poesia, in G. Zanetto (ed.), Delfi e Apollo nella letteratura greca, Pisa – Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2022.

L. Floridi, Giacinto, il Discobolo di Mirone e lo sguardo di un sofista. Filostrato, Im. I 24, in G. Zanetto (ed.), Delfi e Apollo nella letteratura greca, Pisa – Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2022, 169-185.

M. Notarian, A Spatial Network Analysis of Water Distribution from Public Fountains in Pompeii, AJA 127.1 (2023), 85-118.

K. Bowes, The Roman Peasant Project 2009–2014: Excavating the Roman Rural Poor, 2 vols., Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.


D. Palombi, Un architetto per il «tempio immenso» del Quirinale, Athenaeum 110/2 (2022), 499-510.

F. Santangelo, Silla. Il tiranno riformatore, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino Editore, 2022.

A. Cortese – G. Fioratto (eds.), Urban Space between the Roman Age and Late Antiquity: Continuity, Discontinuity and Changes. Acts of the International Workshop, University of Regensburg, 13-14 February 2020, Regensburg: Schnell + Steiner, 2022.


L. Castaldi – V. Mattaloni (eds.), Te.Tra. 7. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo, Firenze: Sismel – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2022.

G. Traina – A. Vial-Logeay (eds.), L’inventaire du monde de Pline l’Ancien. Des colonnes d’Hercule aux confins de l’Afrique et de l’Asie, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2022.

G. Traina, Plin. nat. 5,83il tratto armeno dell’alto Eufrate, in A. Borgna – M. Lana (eds.), Epistulae a familiaribus. Per Raffaella Tabacco, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2022.

M. Collareta – M. Ferretti – S. Maffei – C.M. Sicca (eds.), Le voci del marmo. Materiali per un lessico tecnico della scultura in marmo, Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2022.

Focus on: A. Anguissola – L. Faedo, Lo sguardo di Plinio tra tecnica e materia: le statue e la loro superficie, 109-138.

J.J. Thomas, Art, Science, and the Natural World in the Ancient Mediterranean, 300 BC to AD 100, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.

Focus on: “Pliny the Elder and Sosos of Pergamon”; “Contextualizing the Mosaics of Sosos”.


P.W. Foss, Pliny and the Eruption of Vesuvius, Abingdon – New York: Routledge, 2022.


U. Tischer – U. Gärtner – A. Forst (eds.), Ut pictura poeta. Author Images and the Reading of Ancient Literature, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

Focus on: Eva Falaschi, Pliny the Elder and the Portraits of Ancient Authors.

J. Dross, Le philosophe dans la cité: Sénèque et l‘otium philosophique (Philosophie hellénistique et romaine 13), Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.


P. Li Causi, In principio erano i mostri. Storie di entità orrifiche e minacciose nel mito dei Greci e dei Romani,Roma: InSchibboleth, 2022.


A. Acconci – F. Astolfi – A. Englen (eds.), Caelius II. Pars Superior. La Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo e il Tempio di Claudio, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2022.

C. Conti (ed.), Lectures on Trajan’s Column and its Architect Apollodorus of Damascus, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2022.

T. Nogales Basarrate (ed.), Ciudades Romanas de Hispania II, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2022.

M. Heerink – E. Meijer (eds.), Flavian Responses to Nero’s Rome, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022.

A. De Vivo – M. Squillante (eds.), Est locus… Paesaggio letterario e spazio della memoria. Per Rossana Valenti, Bari: Edipuglia, 2022.

A.-M. Favreau-Linder – S. Lalanne – J.-L. Vix (eds.), Passeurs de culture. La transmission de la culture grecque dans le monde romain des Ier-IVe siècles, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

S. Franzoni – E. Lonati – A. Russo (eds.), Le sens des textes classiques au Moyen Âge. Transmission, exégèse, réécriture, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

Digital Encyclopedia of Atticism


G. Calza, Scavi di Ostia I. Topografia generale, ristampa dell’edizione originale con introduzione e note di aggiornamento bibliografico, a cura di A. D’Alessio, D. Daffara, con contributi di G. Becatti, I. Gismondi, G. De Angelis d’Ossat, H. Bloch, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2022.

J. Prim, Aventinus mons: limites, fonctions urbaines et représentations politiques d’une colline de la Rome antique (Collection de l’École française de Rome 571), Rome: École française de Rome, 2021.


A. Kouremenos, The Province of Achaea in the 2nd Century CE: the Past Present (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies), Abingdon – New York: Routledge, 2022.


A. Lamy – A. Raffarin – E. Seris (eds.), Dignité des Artes: promotion et évolution des arts libéraux de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2022.

F. D’Andrea, L’iscrizione ritrovata: nuovi dati sulla cosiddetta Schola Xanthi del Foro Romano, ArchClass 73 (2022), 269-294.

K. Thein, Ecphrastic Shields in Graeco-Roman Literature: the World’s Forge. Image, Text and Culture in Classical Antiquity, Abingdon, Oxon – New York, NY: Routledge, 2022.


A. De Vivo – M. Squillante (eds.), “Est locus…”. Paesaggio letterario e spazio della memoria. Per Rossana Valenti (Quaderni di Invigilata Lucernis 49), Napoli: Edipuglia, 2022.

A. Haug – A. Hielscher – M. Taylor Lauritsen (eds.), Materiality in Roman Art and Architecture: Aesthetics, Semantics and Function, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.


A. Lichtenberger – R. Raja, The Archaeology of Seasonality (Studies in Classical Archaeology 11), Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.


F. Carlà-Uhink – L. Cecchet – C. Machado (eds.), Poverty in Ancient Greece and Rome. Discourses and Realities, London: Routledge, 2022. E. Romano, Ai margini della cultura, ai margini della letteratura: architettura e medicina, “arti non liberali”, ClassicoContemporaneo 8, 2022.


V. Sapone, Porti medioadriatici. Politiche marittime, infrastrutture e traffici in età romana. Ancona, Rimini, Ravenna, Roma – Bristol: L’Erma di Bretschneider,  2021.

J. Strauss Clay – A. Vergados (eds.), Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry (Mnemosyne supplements 450), Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2022.


S. Fine (ed.), The Arch of Titus: From Jerusalem to Rome and Back, Leiden: Brill, 2021.


S. Deschler-Erb – U. Albarella – S. Valenzuela Lamas – G. Rasbach (eds.), Roman Animals in Ritual and Funerary Contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel 1st–4th February 2018, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2021.


A. Schnapp, Une histoire universelle des ruines: des origines aux Lumières. La Librairie du XXIe siècle, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 2020.


A. Anguissola, Plinio il Vecchio e le pareti trasparenti. Una nota a Naturalis Historia 36.98, in A. Anguissola – M. Castiglione – F. Guidetti (eds.), Munera Musarum. Studi per Lucia Faedo, Studi Classici e Orientali 67.2 (2021), 499-508.

A. Poggio, Materiali e paesaggi del potere: il palazzo di Mausolo, in A. Anguissola – M. Castiglione – F. Guidetti (eds.), Munera Musarum. Studi per Lucia Faedo, Studi Classici e Orientali 67.2 (2021), 315-337.

T.J. Keeline, “Adams’ Law” and the Placement of esse in Pliny the Younger, New England Classical Journal 49.1 (2022), 12-26.


R. Olivito, Per una nuova ipotesi sulla disposizione degli Anaglypha dal Foro Romano, in A. Anguissola – M. Castiglione – F. Guidetti (eds.), Munera Musarum. Studi per Lucia Faedo, Studi Classici e Orientali 67.2 (2021), 377-389.

A. Pizzo – R. Montalbano (eds.), Tra le pendici del Quirinale e il Campo Marzio. In memoria di Emilio Rodríguez Almeida, Roma: Arbor Sapientiae Editore, 2022.

D. Manacorda, Roma. Il racconto di due città, Roma: Carocci Editore, 2022.

B. Amiri, Lieux de culte, lieux de cohabitation dans le monde romain, Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2022.

M. Papini, L’evidenza delle parole: ville, costruzioni e ornamenti nelle Silvae di Stazio, in A. Anguissola – M. Castiglione – F. Guidetti (eds.), Munera Musarum. Studi per Lucia Faedo, Studi Classici e Orientali 67.2 (2021), 509-525.

M.E.J.J. van Aerde, Egypt and the Augustan Cultural Revolution: an Interpretative Archaeological Overview, Babesch. Supplement 38, Leuven: Peeters, 2019.


P. Buongiorno – G. Camodeca (eds.) Die ‘senatus consulta’ in den epigraphischen Quellen. Texte und Bezeugungen, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2021.

D. Vallat (ed.), Vergilius orator. Lire et commenter les discours de l’Énéide dans l’Antiquité tardive, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

G. Baldo – L. Beltramini (eds.), Livius noster. Tito Livio e la sua eredità, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

D. Gallo – S. Grazzini, with the collaboration of F. Duplessis, Scholia in Iuvenalem recentiora secundum recensionem Lambda, Firenze: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2021.

M. Ronin, The Perception of Natural Risks of Earthquakes and Floods in the Roman World, Historia 71.3 (2022), 362-389.

S. Fine, The Arch of Titus: from Jerusalem to Rome – and back, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2021.


A. Picchione – S. Roascio – I. Sgarbozza (eds.), Misurare la terra. Un’epigrafe napoleonica dai Musei Vaticani al Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella, Roma: De Luca Editori d’Arte, 2021.

M. Heinzelmann, Forma Urbis Ostiae. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Hafenstadt Roms von der Zeit der Republik bis ins frühe Mittelalter, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021.


J.F. Di Biasie-Sammons, Qui carbone rudi putrique creta scribit: The Charcoal Graffiti of Herculaneum,  AJA 126.3 (2022), 385-410.

E. Dodd, The Archaeology of Wine Production in Roman and Pre-Roman Italy, AJA 126.3 (2022), 443-480.


A.-M. Favreau-Linder – S. Lalanne – J.-L. Vix (eds.), Passeurs de culture. La transmission de la culture grecque dans le monde romain des Ier-IVe siècles après J.-C., Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

A. Augoustakis – M. Fucecchi (eds.), Silius Italicus and the Tradition of the Roman Historical Epos, (Mnemosyne Supplements 458), Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2022.

F.E. Consolino (ed.), After Ovid. Aspects of the Reception of Ovid in Literature and Iconography, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022.

P. d’Hoine – G. Roskam – S. Schorn – J. Verheyden (eds.), Polemics and Networking in Graeco-Roman Antiquity, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

H. Lü, Pausanias’ Cultural Memory and the Roman Empire in His Description of Greece, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 37.1 (2022), 65-95.

F.T. Coulson – R.G. Babcock (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Latin Palaeography, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.


Flavio Biondo, Rome triomphante / Roma triumphans. Tome I. Livres I et II (La Religion), préface de J. Scheid, introduction générale d’A. Raffarin, Note sur le texte par G. Marcellino, édition du livre I par G. Marcellino, traduction et notes d’A. Raffarin, édition du livre II par A. Raffarin, traduction et notes d’É. Buchet, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2022.

J. Jacobs, The Text of Pliny, HN 19.4-5, The Classical Quarterly 70.1 (2020), 276-285.

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Review 1| Review 2

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M. Mogetta, The Origins of Concrete Construction in Roman Architecture: Technology and Society in Republican Italy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.


C.J. Bannon, A Short Introduction to Roman Water Law, MAAR 66 (2021), 1-18.

A. Bonadeo – A. Canobbio – E. Romano (eds.), Centro e periferia nella letteratura di Roma imperiale, Pavia: Pavia University Press, 2022.

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A. Drandaki, Late Antique Metalware. The Production of Copper-Alloy Vessels between the 4th and 8th Centuries. The Benaki Museum Collection and Related Material, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020.

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H. Becker, Pigment Nomenclature in the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome, Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (2022).

J. Fejfer – K.B. Johannsen, Sculpture Workshops as Space and Concept: Creating the Portrait, London: Routledge, 2022.

A. Corso, Classical Greek Studies Made by Important Masters Described in the Epigrams of Evenos of Paros, in D. Katsonopoulou (ed.), Paros V: Paros Through the Ages from Prehistoric Times to the 16th Century AD, Athens, 2021, 103-107.

A. Ziółkowski, From ‘Roma quadrata’ to ‘la grande Roma dei Tarquini’. A Study of the Literary Tradition on Rome’s Territorial Growth Under the Kings (Potsdamer Alterumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 70), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019.


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M. Flecker – J. Lipps, Il ‘comitium’ e il foro di Pompei fra tarda repubblica e età imperiale. Rapporto sugli scavi degli anni 2017–2019, MDAI(R) 127 (2021), 254-289.


P. Martins, A posição dos Eikones na Segunda Sofística, in M. Aparecida de Oliveira Silva – P. Ipiranga Júnior (eds.), Filóstrato. Novas Abordagens, Teresina: Edufpi, 2022, 114-126.


M. Papini, Gli sguardi della pittura: i volti e gli occhi nelle Eikones di Filostrato maggiore, in G. Lentini (ed.), Pratiche e teorie della comunicazione nella cultura classica, Scienze dell’antichità 27/3, 2021, 173-193.

M. de Fátima Silva, Pausânias. Descrição da Grécia. Livro I.Introdução, tradução do grego e notas, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2022.

M. Vespa, Geloion mimēma. Studi sulla rappresentazione culturale della scimmia nei testi greci e greco-romani, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

J. Muñoz Murcillo, John Tzetzes on ekphrasis and the Art of Knowledge Transfer, in E.E. Prodi (ed.), Τζετζικαὶ ἔρευναι (Eikasmos Studi Online 4), Bologna: Pàtron, 2022, 157-184.


G. Squillace, Gli inganni di Cleopatra. Fonti per lo studio dei profumi antichi, Firenze: Olschki, 2022.

A. Canobbio, La periferia come valore: le ville di Plinio il Giovane tra realtà, retorica e metaletteratura, in A. Bonadeo – A. Canobbio – E. Romano (eds.), Centro e periferia nella letteratura di Roma imperiale, Pavia: Pavia University Press, 2022, 163-176.

M. Papini, “Non ti posso scrivere nulla di preciso”: Seneca e le ville, in M.L. Delvigo (ed.), Centro e periferia nella letteratura latina di Roma imperiale, Udine: Forum, 2021, 97-134.

A.U. De Giorgi, Cosa and the Colonial Landscape of Republican Italy (Third and Second Centuries BCE), Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2019.


G. Cera, Brindisi in età messapica e romana. Topografia della città (Atlante Tematico di Topografia Antica. Supplemento 23), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2022.

T. Heide, Der Brunnen der Republikanischen Thermen in Pompeji. Architektonische Analyse und Rekonstruktion des antiken Wasserhebemechanismus, MDAI(R) 127 (2021), 220-253.


S. Rocchi – R. Marchionni, Oltre Pompei. Graffiti e altre iscrizioni oscene dall’Impero Romano d’Occidente, Roma: Deinotera Editrice, 2021.


B. Hartmann, The Scribes of Rome: A Cultural and Social History of the Scribae, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020.


Y. Assael – T. Sommerschield – B. Shillingford – M. Bordbar – J. Pavlopoulos – M. Chatzipanagiotou – I. Androutsopoulos – J. Prag – N. de Freitas, Restoring and Attributing Ancient Texts Using Deep Neural Networks, Nature 603 (2022), 280-283.


D. Dueck, Illiterate Geography in Classical Athens and Rome, Abingdon: Routledge, 2020.


L.. Landolfi, Lo sguardo dell’esule. Per un’ ‘immagine mentale’ di Roma fra “Tristia” ed “Epistulae ex Ponto, in M.L. Delvigo (ed.), Centro e periferia nella letteratura latina di Roma imperiale, Udine: Forum, 2021, 329-355.S.

S. Fortini, La città tra le “silvae”: racconto e viaggio nell’ecloga 7 di Calpurnio Siculo, in M.L. Delvigo (ed.), Centro e periferia nella letteratura latina di Roma imperiale, Udine: Forum, 2021, 75-95.

A.M. Riccomini, Sul Nerone di Jacopo Strada: busti antichi e all’antica dalla collezione Accorsi-Ometto, Quaderni di Archeologia del Piemonte 5 (2021), 195-203.


Ithaca. Restoring and Attributing Ancient Texts Using Deep Neural Networks


Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum. A Digital Editon


R. Denson, Divine Nature and the Natural Divine: The Marine Folklore of Pliny the Elder, Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism 25.2 (2021), 143-154.


A. Re, Ville in Plinio il Giovane, orizzonte reale o spazio ideale?, in M.L. Delvigo (ed.), Centro e periferia nella letteratura latina di Roma imperiale, Udine: Forum, 2021, 135-194.

I. Hilbold, Habiter dans des jardins. Les aristocrates et leurs horti dans la Rome tardo-républicaine, Strasbourg: De Boccard, 2022.

G. De Sanctis, Roma prima di Roma. Miti e fondazioni della Città eterna, Salerno: Salerno Editrice, 2021.

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P. Martins, A Representação e seus Limites. Pictura Loquens, Poesis Tacens, São Paulo: EDUSP, 2021.

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G. Del Mastro, Corinna e Pindaro in un affresco della Casa del Bracciale d’oro a Pompei, Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 32 (2021), 39-42.

J. Dross, Le philosophe dans la cité: Sénèque et l’otiumphilosophique, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

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M. Vespa, Fin de partie: les larmes des éléphants et la rupture du pacte ludique chez Pline, Histoire naturelle, VIII, 20-21, Kentron, Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde antique 36 (2021), 157-182.


F. Feraco, Gli arcana caerimoniarum in Plin. nat. 3,65: tra religione e diritto, Paideia 76 (2021), 435-450.

E. Lonati, Une proposition de stemma pour la famille anglo-normande de la Naturalis historia, Revue d’histoire des textes 15 (2020), 169-197.

E. Lonati, Le florilegium Claraevallense de Pline l’Ancien (et autour), Aevum 95.2 (2021), 247-274.

A. Re, L’uso dei composti nominali nel Panegyricus Traiano Imperatori di Plinio il Giovane, Paideia 76 (2021), 521-553.

E. Günther, Pictorial Elements vs. Composition? “Reading” Gestures in Comedy-related Vase-paintings (4th Century BC), Journal of Ancient Civilizations 36.2 (2021), 201-233.

S. Fachard – E. Harris (eds.), The Destruction of Cities in the Ancient Greek World: Integrating the Archaeological and Literary Evidence, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

J. Vanden Broeck-Parant – T. Ismaelli, Ancient Architectural Restoration in the Greek World (Costruire nel mondo antico 4), Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 2021.

D. Kosmopoulos, Architettura templare italica in epoca ellenistica (Studia Archaeologica 250), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

K. Kaderka – P.L. Tucci, The Capitoline Temple of Jupiter. The Best, the Greatest, but not Colossal, MDAI(R) 127 (2021), 146-187.

Focus on: F. D’Andrea, Un rilievo da Roma agli Uffizi. Vicende collezionistiche e analisi archeologica 

S. Pearson, The Triumph and Trade of Egyptian Objects in Rome: Collecting Art in the Ancient Mediterranean (Image and Context 20), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.


O. Dräger – V. Kockel, Die Pantherbasis auf Besuch beim Faun – Ein dionysischer Statuensockel augusteischer Zeit aus Pompeji, Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst, 3. Folge, Bd. 71 (2020), 7-40.

G. Cianciolo Cosentino – P. Kastenmeier – K. Wilhelm (eds.), The Multiple Lives of Pompeii. Surfaces and Environments,  Napoli: artem, 2021.

S. Papaioannou – A. Marinis, Elements of Tragedy in Flavian Epic (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 103), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.


M. Stachon, Sueton, De poetis. Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2021.

R.A. Kaster, Studies on the Text of Seneca’s De beneficiis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

G. Maselli, Mutamento per contatto: un particolare impiego di tango in Ovidio e Plinio il Vecchio, Invigilata Lucernis 43 (2021), 145-160.

A. Garcea, Pliny’s Dubius Sermo and Auctoritas: Some Notes on the Indirect Transmission of Latin Authors, Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici 86.1 (2021), 35-76.

S. Ramos Mandonado, El poema latino de Felipe de Esbarroya en elogio de la Glossa litteralis in primum et secundum Naturalis Historiae libros de Francisco López de Villalobos: estudio, edición y traducción, Minerva. Revista de Filología Clásica 34 (2021), 73-98.


A. Canobbio, Il Panegirico di Plinio di Giovane: un percorso di lettura tra intertestualità e immagine del princeps, Bollettino di Studi Latini 51.2 (2021), 460-494.

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A. Bonadeo, Stazio alla moglie Claudia. Riflessioni in margine a silv. 3,5 (Strumenti 44), Mantova: Universitas Studiorum, 2021.

V. Laurand, E. Malaspina, F. Prost (eds.), Lectures plurielles du De ira de Sénèque. Interprétations, contextes, enjeux, Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.

N.A.DIS. – Archivio Disegni Ostia Antica


F. D’Andrea, Un rilievo da Roma agli Uffizi: vicende collezionistiche e analisi archeologica, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung, 127 (2021), 290-321.

A. Cafaro, Governare l’impero. La praefectura fabrum fra legami personali e azione politica (II sec. a. C. ‒ III sec. d. C.), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2021.


T. Capriotti, L’Adriatico medio-occidentale: coste, approdi e luoghi di culto nell’antichità (Italian Research on Ancient World 5), Roma: Arbor Sapientiae, 2020.


D. Puliga, Viaggi in miniatura. La passeggiata nel mondo classico, Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2021.

P. Baas, Proceedings of the XXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes: Resource, Reconstruction, Representation, Role (BAR International Series 2958), Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2019.


M. Steinhart, »Das Werk ist wie eine bronzene Statue« – Goethe, die Technik des Bronzegusses, Cellini und Polyklet, Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst, 3. Folge, 71 (2020), 205-217.

S. Baroni – M. Mander (eds.), Le tecniche dell’arte, Milano: Mursia Editore, 2021.

L. Vespoli, Plin. HN 28.25: storia di un restauro di Angelo Poliziano (Misc. 1.32), Antiquité Classique 90 (2021), 167-181.

P. Carafa, Le origini di Roma sessant’anni dopo, Archeologia Classica 72, n.s. II, 11 (2021), 77-102.

F. Sirano, Il soldato dall’antica spiaggia di Herculaneum. Nuovi dati dall’analisi contestuale, Cronache Ercolanesi 51 (2021), 317-331.

E. Canna – A. Laino, I legni archeologici di Ercolano: primi approfondimenti e valutazioni conservative, prospettive d’intervento e di salvaguardia, Cronache Ercolanesi 51 (2021), 333-345.

F. Cantone, Il Parco Archeologico di Ercolano come laboratorio sperimentale: la comunicazione social e il progetto «I Lapilli», Cronache Ercolanesi 51 (2021), 347-360.

J.R. Clarke – N.K. Muntasser (eds.), Oplontis: Villa A (“of Poppaea”) at Torre Annunziata, Italy. Volume 2, The Decorations: Painting, Stucco, Pavements, Sculptures, New York: ACLS Humanities E-Book, 2019.


A. Casamento, Il gravis morbus degli scholastici. Esempi tratti dalla storia (e dall’arte) nell’opera di Seneca il Vecchio, Classica Vox 3 (2021),  89-110.

C. Beltrame, The Contribution of Four Shipwrecks to the Reconstruction of the Trade Dynamics of Proconnesian Marble in the Roman Period, Archeologia Classica 72, n.s. II, 11 (2021), 437-462.

S. Ardeleanu, Numidia Romana? Die Auswirkungen der römischen Präsenz in Numidien (2. Jh. v. Chr. – 1. Jh. n. Chr.), Archäologische Forschungen 38, Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2021.


T. Kjeller Johansen, Productive Knowledge in Ancient Philosophy: the Concept of “technê”, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021.


E.T.E. Barker, On Space, Place, and Form in Herodotus’ Histories, Histos 15 (2021), 88-130.


C. Schneider, Bibliothèque idéale des mets et des mots. Parler, boire et manger dans l’Antiquité, d’Homère à Fortunat, évêque de Poitiers, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2021.

J. Clementi, I Torlonia e l’archeologia nell’Ottocento: scavi e scoperte nel parco dell’Appia antica, Roma: Gangemi, 2021.

M.D. Reeve, The Transmission of Pliny’s Natural History, Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2021.

P. Komar, Wine Taboo Regarding Women in Archaic Rome, Origins of Italian Viticulture, and the Taste of Ancient Wines, Greece and Rome 68.2 (2021), 239-254.

P. Li Causi, I leoni provavano gratitudine? La mirabolante storia di Androclo (e di altri) e il dibattito antico sugli animali, Habis 52 (2021), 89-114.

F. Steger, Antike Medizin: Einführung und Quellensammlung (BGL-Studium 6), Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann Verlag, 2021.


H. Hopkins Pepper, Investigations into the Dyeing Industry in Pompeii. Experimental Archaeology and Computer Simulation Techniques, Oxford: Archeopress Publishing, 2021.

The Pompeii Cast Project


P. Pensabene (ed.), Il complesso di Augusto sul Palatino. Nuovi contributi all’interpretazione delle strutture e delle fasi, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

M. Ippoliti, La pendice meridionale del Palatino tra la Casa di Augusto e la chiesa di S. Anastasia, Archeologia Classica 72, n.s. II, 11 (2021), 653-678.

G. Restaino, Tra Domus Flavia, clivo Palatino e arco “di Domiziano”. Nuove riflessioni sulla fronte del palazzo imperiale, Archeologia Classica 72, n.s. II, 11 (2021), 187-254.

Atlas patrimonii Caesaris


A. Anguissola, Pliny the Elder and the Matter of Memory: an Encyclopaedic Workshop (Young Feltrinelli Prize in the Moral Sciences), Abingdon – New York: Routledge, 2021.

U. Palitza, Mit Plinius auf der Seidenstrasse: Studien zur Farbenfabrikation und Maltechnik der Antike, ed. by T. Gabsch (Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), Leipzig: E.A. Seemann, 2017.

C. Gábli, Plinius a gemmákról, in D. Bartus – K. Boruzs (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference for Young Researchers of Roman Age, Dissertationes archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, Supplementum 1 (2018), 33-54.


J. McNamara, Pliny, Tacitus and the Monuments of Pallas, CQ 71.1 (2021), 308-329.

E. Moormann, Nerone, Roma e la Domus Aurea (Conferenze 33), Roma: Arbor Sapientiae, 2020.


D. Piay Augusto – P.A. Argüelles Álvarez (eds.), Villae romanas en Asturias (Studia Archaeologica 249), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

C. Duckworth – A. Wilson (eds.), Recycling and Reuse in the Roman Economy (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy), Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.


R. Raja – J.-B. Yon – J. Steding (eds.), Excavating Palmyra. Harald Ingholt’s Excavation Diaries: A Transcript, Translation, and Commentary, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

L. Bennardo, Colour Terms and the Creation of Statius’ Ekphrastic Style, CQ 71.1 (2021), 292-307.

S. Dugast – D. Jaillard – I. Manfrini (eds.), Agalma ou les figurations de l’invisible. Approches comparées, Grenoble: Éditions Jérôme Millon, 2021.

T.H. Carpenter, The Tyrannicides: A New Approach to Text and Image, Greece and Rome 68.2 (2021), 208-221.

E. Dimauro, Pausania (V 25, 5) e Diodoro (XI 53) e lo slancio agrigentino, Hesperìa 39 (2021).

E. Dimauro, Pausania, Atena Pronoia e l’eudaimonía di Massalia, Hesperìa 39 (2021).

M. Osanna – A. Capurso – S.M. Masseroli (eds.), I calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi (Studi e Ricerche del Parco Archeologico di Pompei 46), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

J. Clementi – M. Curcio – R. Dubbini (eds.), Un atleta venuto dal mare. Criticità e prospettive di un ritorno (ADRIAS 8), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

A. Anguissola – A. Grüner (eds.), The Nature of Art. Pliny the Elder on Materials, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

D. Gamboni – G. Wolf – J.N. Richardson (eds.), The Aesthetics of Marble from Late Antiquity to the Present, München: Hirmer Verlag, 2020.

E. Stewart – E. Harris – D. Lewis (eds.), Skilled Labour and Professionalism in Ancient Greece and Rome, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020.


M.A. Locicero, Liquid Footprints: Water, Urbanism, and Sustainability in Roman Ostia, Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2020.


J. Price – K. Berthelot (eds.), The Future of Rome: Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian Visions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.


B. Ward-Perkins – A.E. Felle (eds.), Cultic Graffiti in the Late Antique Mediterranean and Beyond, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

A. Lichtenberger – R. Raja (eds.), The Archaeology of Seasonality, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

F. Biondi, Indagine sul termine γραφή negli scolî οmerici, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 126/3, 2020.

M. Steinhart, Phi-Phi und die Phidiastradition. Ein klassischer Bildhauer als literarische Figur der Moderne, WJA 44 (2020), 189-222.

E. Butini – F. Butini, Dante. Le gemme nella Divina Commedia – Gems in the Divine Comedy. Considerazioni gemmologiche – Gemmological Considerations, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

S. España Chamorro, Unde incipit Baetica. Los límites de la Baetica y su integración territorial (s. I-III) (Hispania Antigua. Serie Historica, 11), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

L. Lafasciano, Archeologia del sogno rituale. Dall’arcaismo alla tarda antichità nel mondo greco-romano, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

J.A. Lobur, Cornelius Nepos. A Study in the Evidence and Influence, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2021.

C. Notter – M. Pfaff-Reydellet (eds.), Segetis certa fides meae. Hommages offerts à Gérard Freyburger, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

S. Bianchetti, Traces of Scientific Geography in Pliny’s Naturalis Historia, Steps 6 (2020), 10-25.


S. Ramos Maldonado, De Lucii Flaminii Siculi ‘Commentariolo in Plinii prohemium’, primo opere de ‘Naturali Historia’ apud Hispanos typis expresso (a. 1504), Renascens 3 (2021), 15-62.


Ch. Whitton, Biography and Praise in Trajanic Rome: Tacitus’ Agricola and Pliny’s Panegyricus, in K. De Temmerman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.

I. Worthington, Athens After Empire: A History from Alexander the Great to the Emperor Hadrian, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

A. Sebastiani – C. Megale (eds.), Archaeological Landscapes of Roman Etruria. Research and Field Papers, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

V. Sampaolo – P. Giulierini – A. Coralini (eds.), Picta Fragmenta. La Pittura Vesuviana. Una Rilettura, Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2020.

C. Biggam – K. Wolf (eds.), A Cultural History of Color, 6 voll., London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021.

Focus on vol. 1: D. Wharton (ed.), A Cultural History of Color in Antiquity.

D. Boisseuil – C. Rico – S. Gelichi, Le marché des matières premières dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Âge, Rome: École française de Rome, 2021.

M. V. Orna – S. C. Rasmussen (eds.),  Archaeological Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Past, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.

A. Guida, Una riflessione lucreziana (De rer. nat. 2.1) a Pompei. Con appendice su una revisione critica tardoantica, Prometheus 47 (2021), 127-136.

Martial, Épigrammes. Tome I : Livre des spectacles. Livres I – V. Nouvelle traduction. Texte établi par H. J. Izaac, révisé par Sophie Malick-Prunier, traduit par Sophie Malick-Prunier, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2021.

L. Furbetta – C. Urlacher-Becht (eds.), Les «lieux» de l’épigramme latine tardive : vers un élargissement du genre, Revue des Études Tardo-antiques, Supplément 8 (2020).

U. Pappalardo – S. Galka – A. Maiuri – C. Knight – L. Borrelli – M. Cultraro, Heinrich Schliemann a Napoli, Salerno: Francesco D’Amato editore,2021.

M. Lentano, L’adulterio degli alberi. Metafore dell’innesto in Plinio il Vecchio, Bollettino di Studi Latini 51.1 (2021), 52-70.

V.M. Closs, E. Keitel (eds.), Urban disasters and the Roman Imagination, (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 104), Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2020.

Focus on: J.A. Bromberg’ paper Pliny’s Telemacheia: Epic and Exemplarity under Vesuvius, 49-70.

L. Carlucci, A mise en scène of ‘pagan pessimism’ in the Twelfth Century: Book 7 of Pliny’s Naturalis historia in Johannes of Hauvilla’s Architrenius, Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale 63.1 (2021), 187-212.

S. Casali, Cosmo e storia sullo scudo di Enea, Maia 73.1 (2021), 61-72.

F. Econimo, La parola e gli occhi. L’ekphrasis nella Tebaide di Stazio, Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2021.

M.F. Ferrini, ΧΡΩΜΑΤΑ. Chrōmata. Lessico dei termini greci di colore. II: bēta, Macerata: Eum, 2021.

M. Cavalieri – P. Tomassini (eds.), La peinture murale antique: méthodes et apports d’une approche technique. Actes du colloque international Louvain-la-Neuve 21 avril 2017 (AIRPA), Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 2021.

A. Dardenay – N. Laubry (eds.), Anthropology of Roman Housing, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020.


F. Boschi – E. Giorgi – F. Vermeulen (eds.), Picenum and the Ager Gallicus at the Dawn of the Roman Conquest: Landscape Archaeology and Material Culture, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2020.


R. Fichtel, Qualis artifex periit Nero? The meaning(s) of artifex in the Suetonian Vita Neronis, in G. Alvoni – R. Batisti – S. Colangelo (eds.), Figure dell’altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità (Studi di Eikasmos Online 3), Bologna: Pàtron, 2020, 149-162.


K. Ierodiakonou – P. Ducrey (eds.), Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco-romain: huit exposés suivis de discussions et d’un épilogue (Entretiens sur l’Antiquité classique 66), Genève: Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’Antiquité classique, 2020.


H. Valladares, Painting, Poetry, and the Invention of Tenderness in the Early Roman Empire, Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021.


N. Toma, Marmor – Maße – Monumente. Vorfertigung, Standardisierung und Massenproduktion marmorner Bauteile in der römischen Kaiserzeit (Philippika 121), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2020.


S. Lugli – M. Reghizzi – S. Pannuzi, Provenance of the Transparent Gypsum Crystals (Lapis Specularis) and Gypsum Mortars in the Windows from the Churches of Rome: S. Sabina sull’Aventino and S. Giorgio al Velabro, Hortus Artium Medievalium 26 (2020), 73-76.

P. Trapero Fernández, La viticultura romana en el estuario del Guadalquivir. Las prácticas de cultivo, producción, distribución y modelado SIG en la colonia Hasta Regia, Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2021.

Á. Darab, The Anecdotal Narration and Encyclopedic Thought of Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.

Gardens of the Roman Empire

M.L. Accorsi – M. de Vico Fallani – G. Lepri, Giardini e parchi storici, elementi ‘portanti’ del paesaggio culturale. Pluralità di aspetti e connotazioni, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

F. Yegül – D. Favro, Roman Architecture and Urbanism: from the Origins to Late Antiquity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.


N. Pollard, Bombing Pompeii: World Heritage and Military Necessity, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2020.


C. Burgeon, La uirtus, la fides et la pietas dans les Punica de Silius Italicus (Giornale Italiano di Filologia – Bibliotheca 23), Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

F. Bellandi, Giovenale, Satira 9. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento (Texte und Kommentare 67), Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.

P.J. Davis (ed.), Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Book 7, edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (Oxford Commentaries on Flavian Poetry), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.


G.F. Gianotti, Rileggendo Petronio e Apuleio, Roma: Aracne, 2020.

P. Duchêne, Comment écrire sur les empereurs? Les procédés historiographiques de Tacite et de Suétone (Scripta Antiqua 137), Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2020.

M.D. Fontán Amoedo, Les mythes des frontons du Parthénon et leur relation avec la topographie athénienne, Histoire de l’art 86 (2020), 109-120.

D. Yates, States of Memory. The Polis, Panhellenism, and the Persian War, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.


A. Aste (ed.), Quinti Sereni Liber medicinalis, traduzione e commento a cura di di A. Aste, prefazione di M. Clauss, Tricase (Lecce): Youcanprint, 2021.

É. Le Breton, Quand l’Occident regarde vers la Grèce. Naissance d’une Antiquité moderne et de l’idée d’un art grec classique – deux gypsothèques nationales françaises, Histoire de l’art 86 (2020), 37-50.

J. Pérez González, Gems in Ancient Rome: Pliny’s Vision, Scripta Classica Israelica 38 (2019), 139-151.


K.C. Weeda, Titius Aristo and the Other’s Politics in Pliny’s Epistulae, Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici 85 (2020), 131-163.

A. König – R. Langlands – J. Uden (eds.), Literature and Culture in the Roman Empire, 96–235: Cross-cultural Interactions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Focus on: D. Fields, Patronage, Cultural Difference, and Literary Interactivity: The Case of Pliny and Plutarch.

A. Carandini – P. Carafa, Dal mostro al principe. Alle origini di Roma, Roma: Laterza, 2021.

P. Dellino – F. Dioguardi – R. Isaia et al., The Impact of Pyroclastic Density Currents Duration on Humans: the Case of the AD 79 Eruption of Vesuvius, Scientific Reports 11 (2021), 49-59.


J. Venner, Rus ‘becomes’ Urbs: hard and soft Landscape Elements in the Gardens of Pompeii, New Classicist 4 (2020).


G. Greco – M. Osanna – R. Picone (eds.), Pompei. L’Insula Occidentalis. Conoscenza, Scavo, Restauro e Valorizzazione, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020.

F. Mangone, La scoperta dell’antico in Campania tra Settecento e Ottocento. L’archeologia come fondamento scientifico dell’architettura moderna (HeRMeS 2), Roma-Bristol: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

L. Di Franco, “Il cavamento di regio conto come quello di Pompei per iscoprire il gran Palazzo di Tiberio” Lo scavo del 1824-1828 di Villa Jovis a Capri, BABESCH 95 (2020), 237-258.

A.-M. Guimier Sorbets, Mosaïques d’Alexandrie. Pavements d’Égypte grecque et romaine (Antiquités Alexandrines 3), Alexandrie: Centre d’Études Alexandrines, 2019.


Q. Paridimal, Les gemmes de l’Inde et le commerce de la mer Érythrée. Circulations india-océaniques et discours littéraires dans le monde gréco-romain (Ier siècle av. n. è.-début du IIIe siècle de n. è.), Histoire de l’art 86 (2020), 147-158.

M. Romani Mistretta, Naming the Art, or the Art of Naming: The Etymology of τέχνη (technē) in Plato’s Cratylus, in A. Zucker – C. Le Feuvre (eds.), Ancient and Medieval Greek Etymology, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2021, 21-36.

D. Plantzos, Before Mimesis. Reflections on the Early Greek Technologies of Looking, Athens University Review of Archaeology 3 (2020), 73-99.


J. Neils – D.K. Rogers (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Athens, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

A. Martin, Portrait of a Poet: Erinna’s Ekphrastic Epigram, AP 6.352, Akroterion 65 (2020), 13-30.


E. Germino, Medici e medicina in una pagina di Plinio il Vecchio,  KOINONIA 44.1 (2020), 721-747.

F. Giumetti, Traiano e un caso di applicazione della disciplina militaris in tema di adulterium (A proposito di Plin., ep. 6, 31, 1-6), KOINONIA 44.1 (2020), 749-762.

P. Pensabene (ed.), Il complesso di Augusto sul Palatino. Nuovi contributi all’interpretazione delle strutture e delle fasi, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

P. Fortini – K. Krusche (eds.), From Pen to Pixel. Studies of the Roman Forum and the Digital Future of World Heritage (Biblioteca Archeologica 66), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

E. Cruccas, Numina magna: Roma e il culto dei Grandi Dei di Samotracia (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 56), Oxford: Archaeopress, 2019.


Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 121 (2020).


A. Dell’Acqua, La decorazione architettonica di Brescia romana. Edifici pubblici e monumenti funerari dall’età repubblicana alla tarda antichità  (Costruire nel mondo antico 2), Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 2020.


S. Quilici Gigli – L. Quilici (eds.), Strade secondarie dell’Italia Antica. Roma: monumenti, territorio (Atlante Tematico di Topografia Antica 31-2021), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

A. Fox, Mitigating Pollution in Ancient Rome’s Green Spaces, New Classicist 4 (2020), 3-12.


S. James – S. Krmnicek (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Roman Germany, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.


S. Wyler, Pictor in tabula? Ancient Roman Painters playing with Meta-figurative Effects, Images re-vues 9 (2020).


A. Corso, La statua in bronzo di Paride opera di Eufranore, in L. Guzzardi – C. Scandurra (eds.), Un veneto siracusano. Atti della giornata in memoria di Luigi Polacco (Siracusa, 1 dicembre 2017), Siracusa: Grafiche Santocono, 2020, 49-65.


G. Guerini, Pisa Etrusca in età classica. I materiali dello scavo di Via Sant’Apollonia, Pisa: ETS, 2021.


H. Šedinova, Vis nominis, vis textus, vis imaginis. Sea Creatures named after Terrestrial Animals in the Works of Thomas of Cantimpré and Paulerinus, Artibus et historiae 82 (2020), 75-103.


I. Draelants – A. Zucker (eds.), La conversation des encyclopédistes – The Scholarly Conversation between Encyclopaedists, RursuSpicae. Transmission, réception et réécriture des textes, de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge 3 (2020).


D. Carro, Quadriremi vs. Vesuvio. L’operazione navale di soccorso condotta da Plinio nel 79 D.C. (Studia Archaeologica 247), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021.

Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 31 (2020).


P. Montlahuc, Le pouvoir des bons mots: «faire rire» et politique à Rome du milieu du IIIe siècle a.C. à l’avènement des Antonins (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome 382), Roma: École française de Rome, 2019.


G.S. Sumi, Nero and Britannicus in the “pompa circensis”: The Circus Procession as Dynastic Ceremony in the Court of Claudius, Klio 102 (2020), 617-664.

J. Leidwanger, Roman Seas: a Maritime Archaeology of Eastern Mediterranean Economies, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.


H. Brecoulaki – G. Verri – B. Bourgeois – F.P. Romano – A.G. Karydas – C. Caliri – E. Martin-Gonzalez – G. Kavvadias, The “lost art” of Archaic Greek Painting: Revealing New Evidence on the Pitsa pinakes through MA-XRF and Imaging Techniques, in B. Bourgeois (ed.), Les couleurs de l’Antique, Actes de la 8e table ronde sur la polychromie de la sculpture et de l’architecture antique, Techne 48 (2019), 35-54.


O. Palagia, Sculpture grecque antique: développements récents et thèmes dominants, Histoire de l’art 86 (2020), 15-24.


A. Corso, The Bronze Statue of Paris by Euphranor, in ̓Α. Δεληβορριάς et al. (eds.), Spondi. Afieroma stin mnimi tou Giorgiou Despini, vol. 1, Athens: Mouseio Mpenakii, 2020, 355-360.


M.R. Lefkowitz, The “Wooden” Horse on the Athenian Acropolis, Hesperia 89 (2020), 581-591.

M. Nafissi, Gli eroi del Trono di Apollo ad Amicle tra apoteosi, immortalità elisia e destino di morte, Mythos. Rivista di Storia delle Religioni 14 (2020).


M. Heisterberg, Zwischen “exemplum” und “opus absolutum“. Studien zum Abzeichnen im italienischen Tre- und Quattrocento zwischen Mustertransfer und Kopie (I mandorli 27), Berlin-München: Deutsche Kunstverlag, 2020.

C. Ballestrazzi, Arte senza storia? I nobiles artifices delle gemme e il loro destino, Revue archéologique 70 (2020), 359-385.

A. Corso, The Masters of the Maussoleion of Halikarnassos, in P. Pedersen – B. Poulsen – J. Lund (eds.), Karia and the Dodekanese. Cultural Interrelations in the Southeast Aegean, vol. 1: Late Classical to Early Hellenistic, Oxford – Philadelphia: Oxbow, 41-51.


M. F. Ferrini – G. Giglioni (eds.), Περὶ φυτῶν. Trattati greci di botanica in Occidente e in Oriente / Περὶ φυτῶν. Greek Botanical Treatises in the West and the East, Macerata: Eum 2020.

W. Horowitz, Sky Blue, Red Heavens, and Orange over Ancient Mesopotamia, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 35.2 (2020), 135-146.

H. Jakobsmeier, Die Gallier-Rede des Claudius aus dem Jahr 48 n. Chr.: historisch-philologische Untersuchungen und Kommentar zur tabula Claudiana aus Lyon (Quellen und Forschungen zur antiken Welt 63), München: Herbert Utz Verlag, 2019.


S. Audano (ed.), Tacito. Germania, Santarcangelo di Romagna: Rusconi Libri, 2020.

K. Johannsen, Suetons Vita Othonis: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar, Dissertation Universität Greifswald, 2020.


B. Bader (ed.), Josephus Latinus. De Bello Iudaico Buch 1 (Palingenesia 119), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019.


G. Rodríguez, Before and after Rome: The incised Contours Technique in the Art of Gallia Narbonensis, Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal 3 (2020), 3. DOI


S. Paturel (ed.), Baalbek-Heliopolis, the Bekaa, and Berytus from 100 BCE to 400 CE: a Landscape transformed (Mnemosyne Supplements. History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity 426), Leiden: Brill, 2019.


M. Devecka, Broken Cities: a Historical Sociology of Ruins, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020.


V. Platt, Re-membering the Belvedere Torso: Ekphrastic Restoration and the Teeth of Time, Critical Inquiry 47 (2020), 49-75.

R.K. Gibson, Man of High Empire. The Life of Pliny the Younger, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.


N. Jones, Painting, Ethics and Aesthetics in Rome, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.


M. Curcio, L’arte romana oltre l’autore. Originalità, imitazione e riproduzione, Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Mimesis Edizioni, 2020.

A.N. Sherwood – M. Nikolic – J.W. Humphrey – J.P. Oleson, Greek and Roman Technology: a Sourcebook of Translated Greek and Latin Texts (RoutledgeSourcebooks for the Ancient World), London-New York: Routledge, 2019 (2nd edition).


G. Anderson, Fantasy in Greek and Roman Literature (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies), London-New York: Routledge, 2019.

J. Briscoe (ed.), Valerius Maximus, ‘Facta et dicta memorabilia’, Book 8. Text, Introduction, and Commentary (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 141), Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.


J.-C. Juhle, Le ‘Livre’ de Martial et l’autoportrait du poète en épigrammatiste romain, preface de P. Laurence (Études anciennes 85), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2020.

R. Moreno Soldevila – A. Marina Castillo – J. Fernández Valverde, A Prosopography to Martial’s Epigrams, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.


Ph. Stahlhut – P.-G. Veh, Claudius Aelianus: Vom Wesen der Tiere. De Natura Animalium, Band 1: Bücher I-VIII (Bibliothek der Griechischen Literatur 90), Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann Verlag, 2020.

Ch. Siwicki, Architectural Restoration and Heritage in Imperial Rome (Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture and Representation), Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.


M. Deriu, Nēsoi. L’immaginario insulare nell’Odissea (Lexis Supplementi – Studi di letteratura greca e latina 1), Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2020.

M. Cadario, Il Cavallo di Troia aveva le ruote? Riflessioni su tradizione letteraria e iconografica, in A. Capra – S. Martinelli Tempesta – C. Nobili (eds.), Philoxenia. Viaggi e viaggiatori nella Grecia di ieri e di oggi, Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Mimesis Edizioni, 2020, 223-236.


M. Ornaghi, Archiloco tra prati e rocce. Ipotesi topografiche su ΛΕΙΜΩΝΕΣ e ΛΙΣΣΙΔΕΣ (Mnesiep. Inscr. E1, coll. II, ll. 22-40), in A. Capra – S. Martinelli Tempesta – C. Nobili (eds.), Philoxenia. Viaggi e viaggiatori nella Grecia di ieri e di oggi, Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Mimesis Edizioni, 2020, 197- 209.

L. Lopez-Rabatel – V. Mathé – J.-Ch. Moretti (eds.), Dire la ville en grec aux époques antique et byzantine (Actes du colloque de Créteil, 10-11 juin 2016), Lyon: Mom Éditions, 2020.

D. Jouanna, Vicino, lontano. Come i Greci vedevano il mondo, Roma: Carocci Editore, 2020.

Focus on: “La geografia romana: Pomponio Mela e Plinio il Vecchio”

M.C. Scappaticcio, Pesci longevi e fonti perdute. Appunti su Plin. nat. 9, 167: Vedio Pollione, Augusto, (un) Seneca, in G. Polara (ed.), Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci. Studi in onore di Arturo De Vivo, vol. 2 (Filologia e tradizione classica 11), Napoli: Satura Editrice, 2020, 939-958.

R. Lambertini, L’auctoritas di Traiano e la iustitia di Plinio, Tessarae Iuris 1 (2020), 111-113.

L. Pernot, Deux regards croisés sur les rapports de Rome et de la Grèce (Plin. Min. ep. 8.24 et Epict. diss. 3.7), in G. Polara (ed.), Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci. Studi in onore di Arturo De Vivo, vol. 2 (Filologia e tradizione classica 11), Napoli: Satura Editrice, 2020, 747-756.

A. Prenner, Un personaggio oscuro: Quinto Sereno Sammonico autore del Liber medicinalis, in G. Polara (ed.), Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci. Studi in onore di Arturo De Vivo, vol. 2 (Filologia e tradizione classica 11), Napoli: Satura Editrice 2020, 805-810.

S.I. Ramos Maldonado, De litteris Latinis Latine docendis: El comentario humanístico de textos clásicos y su aplicación didáctica en la actualidad, eClassica 5 (2019), 136-151.


B. Bourgeois (ed.), Les couleurs de l’Antique. Actes de la 8e table ronde sur la polychromie de la sculpture et de l’architecture antique, Techne 48 (2019).


C.E. Barrett, Domesticating Empire: Egyptian Landscapes in Pompeian Gardens, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.


T. Demauro, Restauri a Pompei (1748-1860), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020.

P. Fedeli – G. Rosati (eds.), Ovidio 2017. Prospettive per il terzo millennio. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Sulmona, 3/6 aprile 2017), Teramo: Ricerche & Redazioni, 2018.

Focus on:
– M. Buonocuore, Forme e tipologie della miniatura nei codici ovidiani della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
– A. Wallace-Hadrill, Ovid and Mythological Painting in Pompeii

G. Ingo – U. Gotter – W. Havener – L. Hodgson (eds.), Augustus and the Destruction of History: the Politics of the Past in Early Imperial Rome (Cambridge Classical Journal Supplements 41), Cambridge: Cambridge Philological Society, 2019.


H. Patterson – R. Witcher – H. Di Giuseppe, The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland. The British School at Rome’s Tiber Valley Project (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 70), Oxford: Archeopress 2020.

Link | Review

A. Esposito – A. Pollini, À l’aube des villes antiques: vocabulaire de la cité et formes urbaines, Gaia 22/23 (2020).


U. Bultrighini, Spunti di occidente indiretto nella ‘Periegesi’ di Pausania, Hesperìa 37 (2020), 193-224.

G. Tentorio, Acaia: da Pausania a Rea Galanaki. Un mito d’amore e metamorfosi tra folklore, storia e letteratura, in A. Capra – S. Martinelli Tempesta – C. Nobili (eds.), Philoxenia. Viaggi e viaggiatori nella Grecia di ieri e di oggi, Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Mimesis, 2020, 297-308.

D. Underwood, (Re)using Ruins: Public Building in the Cities of the Late Antique West, A.D. 300-600 (Late Antique Archaeology, Suppl. Series 3), Leiden: Brill, 2019.


B. Effros, Incidental Archaeologists: French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa, Ithaca-London: Cornell University Press, 2018.


A. Garcea, Diomedes as a Source for Pliny’s Dubius sermo: Some Editorial Problems, Rationes Rerum 14, 2019, 53-71.

M. Epstein – Ruth Spivak (eds.), The Latin of Science, Mundelein, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2019.


T.P. Wiseman, The House of Augustus: A Historical Detective Story, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019.


J. Oksanish, Vitruvian Man: Rome under Construction, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.

G. Moretti – B. Santorelli (eds.), Leggere e guardare. Intersezioni tra testo e immagine nella cultura latina e nella sua fortuna (Latina Didaxis 34), Milano: Ledizioni, 2020.

A.A. Raschieri, Lettura degli autori e insegnamento retorico. Ricerche intorno a Quintiliano e alla retorica antica, Canterano (RM): Aracne Editrice, 2020.

U. Rothe, The Toga and Roman Identity, London-New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.


E. Falaschi, Il mito dipinto. Interpretazioni della figura di Ocno in Plutarco, in J.A. Clúa Serena (ed.), Mythologica Plutarchea: estudios sobre los mitos en Plutarco. XIII Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas (Universidad de Lleida 4-5-6 de octubre de 2018), Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2020, 147-158.

K. Ierodiakonou, Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco romain (Entretiens sur l’Antiquité classique 66), Genéve: Fondation Hardt, 2020.

S. Thavapalan, The Meaning of Color in Ancient Mesopotamia (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, 104), Leiden: Brill, 2019.


N.G. Brown, The Living and the Monumental on the Anaglypha Traiani, AJA 124.4 (2020), 607-630.


S.A. Rous, Reset in Stone: Memory and Reuse in Ancient Athens. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2019.


M.S. Vinci – A. Ottati – D. Gorostidi Pi (eds.), La cava e il monumento. Materiali, officine, sistemi di costruzione e produzione nei cantieri edilizi di età imperiale, Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 2020.

P. Gaillard-Seux, Les liquides corporels comme remèdes: l’attitude de Pline l’Ancien et ses parallèles chez Galien, in I fluidi corporei nella medicina e nella veterinaria latine. Dottrina, lessico, testi. Actes du XIIe Colloque international sur les textes médicaux latins (Messine, 22-24 septembre 2016), PALLAS 113 (2020), 75-92.

P. Radici Colace – L. Radici, Saliva: indicazioni terapeutiche, modalità di impiego e lessico nella Naturalis Historia di Plinio tra fonti e ricezione, in I fluidi corporei nella medicina e nella veterinaria latine. Dottrina, lessico, testi. Actes du XIIe Colloque international sur les textes médicaux latins (Messine, 22-24 septembre 2016), PALLAS 113 (2020), 189-206.

C. Cerchiai Manodori Sagredo, Malattie e pandemie nell’antica Roma. Cicerone, Plinio, Svetonio, Catone, Tacito, Marziale, Plauto, Seneca et alii, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020.

T. Keelin, Model or Anti-model?: Pliny on Uncle Pliny, TAPA 148.1 (2018), 173-203.

G. Courtieu, La pratique du mazdéisme en Crimée selon l’Histoire Naturelle de Pline, Studia Iranica 48 (2019), 187-193.

S. Fascione, Inter sodales Apollinis ac Dianae sectator. Elementi di ripresa pliniana nell’epistolario di Simmaco, in Incontri di Filologia Classica XVIII (2018-2019), Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020, 259-276.


A. Anguissola – M. Iadanza – R. Olivito (eds.), Paesaggi Domestici L’esperienza della natura nelle case e nelle ville romane Pompei, Ercolano e l’area vesuviana (Studi e Ricerche del Parco Archeologico di Pompei 42), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020.

F. Morandini – A. Patera (eds.), Il restauro dei grandi bronzi archeologici. Laboratorio aperto per la Vittoria Alata di Brescia, Firenze: Edifir, 2020.

A. Galimberti – R. Cristofoli – F. Rohr Vio (eds.), Germanico nel contesto politico di età Giulio Claudia. La figura, il carisma, la memoria (Perugia 21-22 novembre 2019), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020.

T. Harvey, Julia Augusta: Images of Rome’s First Empress on the Coins of the Roman Empire. London and New York: Routledge, 2019.


Mutable, Flexible, Fluid: Papyrus Drawings for Textiles and Replication in Roman Art, Art Bulletin 102.3 (2020), 7-27.


V. Schulz, Deconstructing Imperial Representation: Tacitus, Cassius Dio, and Suetonius on Nero and Domitian (Mnemosyne supplements, 427), Leiden: Brill, 2019.


H. Roelens-Flouneau, Dans les pas des voyageurs antiques: circuler en Asie Mineure à l’époque hellénistique (IVe s.av.n.è – Principat) (Asia Minor Studien 86), Bonn: Habelt Verlag, 2019.

R. Donno, “Un uomo di penna e di pennello”. Il doppio talento di Ardengo Soffici, Prefazione di V. L. Puccetti; Postfazione di F. Conte. Firenze: Le Lettere, 2020.

M. Lentano, Neque omnia insita misceri fas est. Plinio, l’innesto, il sacro, Quaderni del Ramo d’Oro online 11 (2019), 64-81.


A. Canobbio, Polarizzazione e coincidentia oppositorum nelle ville di Plinio il Giovane,  Athenaeum 108/1 (2020), 89-113.

J. Oksanish, The Elusive Middle: Vitruvius’ Mediocracy of Virtue, in M. Formisano – C. Shuttleworth Kraus (edd.), Marginality, Canonicity, Passion. Classical presences, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 75-98.


J.R. McConnell et al., Extreme Climate after Massive Eruption of Alaska’s Okmok Volcano in 43 BCE and Effects on the Late Roman Republic and Ptolemaic Kingdom, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, July 7, 2020 117 (27) 15443-15449, First published June 22, 2020.


D. Malfitana – G. Amara – A. Mazzaglia, La grandiosa imitazione. Il grande plastico di Pompei. Dal modello materico al modello digitale (Bibliotheca Archaeologica 69), Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020.

J.J. Walsh, The Great Fire of Rome: Life and Death in the Ancient City (Witness to Ancient History), Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019.


Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 120 (2019).


M. Cébeillac-Gervasoni – N. Laubry – F.  Zevi (eds.), Ricerche su Ostia e il suo territorio (Collection de l’École française de Rome, 553), Roma: École française de Rome, 2019.


M.C. Scappaticcio (ed.), Seneca the Elder and his rediscovered Historiae ab initio bellorum civilium. New Perspectives on Early-Imperial Roman Historiography, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2020.


J. Schreyer, Zerstörte Architektur bei Pausanias. Phänomenologie, Funktionen und Verhältnis zum zeitgenössischen Ruinendiskurs (Studies in Classical Archaeology 5), Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2019.


A. Agnolon, Discurso e Imagem, Ekphrasis e Retrato: Algumas Fontes Teóricas Antigas, Humanitas 75 (2020), 49-66.


J. Van Voorhis, The Sculptor’s Workshop (Aphrodisias 10), Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2018.


A. Poggio, Dynastic Deeds: Hunt scenes in the funerary imagery of the Achaemenid Eastern Mediterranean (BAR International Series 2974), Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2020.

Z. Somhegyi – M. Ryynänen (eds.), Aesthetics in Dialogue. Applying Philosophy of Art in a Global World, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020.

Bibliographie Papyrologique en ligne


Archivio di Documentazione Archeologica


E. Malaspina, Sul significato di circumlitio: nota a Seneca, epist. 86, 6, Plinio, nat. 35, 133 e Quint. 8, 5, 26, Bollettino di Studi latini 50.1 (2020), 156-178.

H.-J. Hager, Plinius über die Ehe und den idealen Ehemann. Zur literarischen Inszenierung von Mannlichkeit und Emotionen in Ehe und Familie der römischen Kaiserzeit (Kalliope – Studien zur griechischen und lateinischen Poesie 18), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019.

V. Platt, Ecology, Ethics and Aesthetics in Pliny the Elder’s Natural History, Journal of the Clark Art Institute 17 (2018), 219–242 (Special issue on Ecologies, Agents, Terrains).


S.G. Caneva, Back to Rhodes: Pausanias, Rhodian inscriptions, and Ptolemy’s civic acclamation as Soter, Ancient History Bulletin 34.1-2 (2020).


A. Corso, Fra Giocondo e i monumenti di Atene, Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 71 (2020), 231-238.


Y. Dureau (ed.), Images sources de textes, textes sources d’images (Intégrations des Savoirs et des Savoir-faire), Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, 2020.

D. Vallat (ed.), Martial et l’épigramme satirique. Approches stylistiques et thématiques (Spudasmata 185), Hildesheim: Olms, 2020.

M. De Souza – O. Devillers (eds.), Neronia X: Le Palatin, émergence de la colline du pouvoir à Rome. De la mort d’Auguste au règne de Vespasien, 14-79 p.C. (Mémoires 55), Pessac: Ausonius Publications, 2019.


N.T. Elkins, A Monument to Dynasty and Death: the Story of Rome’s Colosseum and the Emperors who built it (Witness to Ancient History), Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019.


M. Papini (ed.), Opus imperfectum. Monumenti e testi incompiuti del mondo greco e romano, Atti del Convegno, Sapienza Università di Roma, 14-15 marzo 2019 (Scienze dell’Antichità 25.3), Roma: Sapienza Università di Roma – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, 2019.

Gnomon Bibliographische Datenbank (GBD)


D. Leith, Asclepiades’ Therapeutics in the Elder Pliny, in L. Perilli – F. Stok (eds.), Atti del seminario su Asclepiade di Bitinia (Roma, 27 settembre 2018), Technai 10 (2019), 68-89.

E. Malaspina, Euphratès, Artémidore et ceux ‘qui sapientiae studium habitu corporis praeferunt’ (Ep., I, 22, 6): la place de la philosophie dans la culture de Pline, in S. Morlet – Ch. Guerin – S. Aubert-Balliot (eds.), La philosophie des non-philosophes dans l’Empire romain (Ier-IIIe siècles), (Orient & Méditerranée 32), Paris: Éditions de Boccard, 2019.

Biblioteca digitale di testi latini tardoantichi (DigilibLT)


V. D’Alba – F. Maggiore – V. Maraglino (eds.), Enciclopedismo antico e moderno, Fondazione Gianfranco Dioguardi (I Quaderni di Varia Cultura 12), Bari: Cacucci Editore, 2020.

G. Alföldy – A. Chaniotis – Ch. Witschel (eds.), Die epigraphische Kultur der Römer: Studien zu ihrer Bedeutung, Entwicklung und Erforschung (Alte Geschichte 50), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018.


P.P. Hogan, A Student Commentary on Pausanias, Book 2 (Michigan Classical Commentaries), Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2018.


G. Cianciolo Cosentino, Dislocazione, musealizzazione e ricezione dei reperti pompeiani: il caso delle colonne a mosaico, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 61.3 (2019), 364-387.

G. Marginesu, Segreti di bottega e trasparenza amministrativa. Il caso della fusione del bronzo nell’Attica classica, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 97 (2019), 381-386.

I. Romeo – D. Panariti – M. Rodinò, Le indagini dell’Università di Firenze a Cosa (Orbetello GR): le campagne 2016-18, Bollettino di Archeologia online 10 (2019/3-4), 43-56.

View here

G. Amara, Quanti Templi per la Vittoria di Himera? Nuove Evidenze dall’Athenaion di Siracusa, in M. Jonasch (ed.), The Fight for Greek Sicily. Society, Politics, and Landscape, Oxford-Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2020, 213-241.

E. Kokiasmenou – C. Caliri – V. Kantarelou – A.G. Karydas – F.P. Romano – H. Brecoulaki, Macroscopic XRF imaging in unravelling polychromy on Mycenaean wall-paintings from the Palace of Nestor at Pylos, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 29 (2020), 1-12.

View here

S. Settis – C. Gasparri (eds.), I marmi di Torlonia, Roma: Electa, 2020.

N. Goldschmidt – B. Graziosi (eds.), Tombs of the Ancient Poets: Between Literary Reception and Material Culture, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.


R.S.O. Tomlin, Britannia Romana. Roman Inscriptions and Roman Britain, Oxford-Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2018.


M. Cadario, Scultori girovaghi. Spunti di riflessione sulla mobilità degli artefici nel mondo antico, in C. Bearzot – F. Landucci – G. Zecchini (eds.), Migranti e lavoro qualificato nel mondo antico (Contributi dell’Istituto Italiano di Storia Antica – CISA 17), Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2019, 93-128.


A.Corso, A miniature clay copy of the Knidian Aphrodite from Tarsus, Gülnar, 2019, 11-15.


F. Figura, Il destino di un vaso. La lekanisdel Pittore di Berlino, dalla bottega al Persephoneionlocrese, ASAA 97 (2019), 114-129.

T. Geue, Author Unknown. The Power of Anonymity in Ancient Rome, Cambridge, MA-London: Harvard University Press, 2019.


A.Gómez Rabal – J. Hamesse – M. Pavón Ramírez (eds.), El lenguaje del arte. Evolución de la terminología específica de manuscritos y textos (Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge – TEMA 94), Turnhout: Brepols, 2019.

P. Persano, L’amazzone tardo-arcaica dagli Horti Sallustiani: riesame di una scultura greca a Roma, ASAA 97 (2019), 93-113.

É. Prioux, Autour de la Vache de Myron: de l’éloge de l’opus nobile à la réflexion sur les genres et les sujets en poésie, in Le bouvier dans la poésie hellénistique et le roman grec, Aitia, 9.1, 2019.


E. Carrara, Robortello, Vettori e Borghini: il tema della rappresentazione nei testi di Aristotele, in M. Bouquet – S. Cappello – M. Magnien (eds.), Francesco Robortello. Réception des Anciens et construction de la modernité, Rennes: PUR, 2020, 305-316.

A. Fear – J. Wood (eds.), A Companion to Isidore of Seville (Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition 87), Leyde-Boston: Brill, 2020 .



J. Tomás García, Cuestiones físicas en los manuscritos iluminados de Aristóteles del Real Colegio de España en Bolonia, Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2018


N. Coffee, L. Galli Milic, D. Neils (eds.), Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry. Contemporary Approaches (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 64), Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2020.

G. Adornato, E. Falaschi, A. Poggio (eds.), Περὶ γραφικῆς. Pittori, Tecniche, Trattati, Contesti tra Testimonianze e Ricezione (Archeologia e Arte antica), Milano: LED, 2019.


N. Lamare, Les fontaines monumentales en Afrique romaine (Collection de l’École française de Rome, 557). Roma: École française de Rome, 2019.


I. Leonardis, Varrone, ‘unus scilicet antiquorum hominum’: senso del passato e pratica antiquaria (Biblioteca di Athenaeum 62). Bari: Edipuglia, 2019.


M. Bonazzi, E. Falaschi, M.S. Funghi, P.Vind. inv. 29800r: testo di filosofia platonica (?), in Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini (CPF). Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. Parte II.1: frammenti adespoti, Firenze: Olschki, 2019, 228-255.

E. Lonati, Plinio il Vecchio e Vincenzo di Beauvais: Quale modello di «Naturalis historia» per lo «Speculum Maius»?, Filologia Mediolatina 25 (2018), 323-352.

E. Lonati, Bartolomeo Anglico, ‘the English Pliny’?, Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevii 76 (2018), 223-278

J.F. Drinkwater, Nero: Emperor and Court, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019.


L. Donovan Ginsberg, D.A. Krasne (eds.), After 69 CE – Writing Civil War in Flavian Rome (Trends in classics – Supplementary volumes, 65), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2018.


C. Vendries (ed.), Cornua de Pompéi, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2019.

F. Spatafora (ed.), Palermo capitale del Regno. I Borbone e l’archeologia a Palermo, Napoli e Pompei, Palermo: Palermo University Press, 2019.

A. Kampakoglou, A. Novokhatko (eds.), Gaze, Vision, and Visuality in Ancient Greek Literature (Trends in classics – Supplementary volumes, 54), Berlin – Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018.


J.L. Baker, Technology of the Ancient Near East. From the Neolithic to the Early Roman Period, London – New York: Routledge, 2019.


M. González González, Funerary Epigrams of Ancient Greece: Reflections on Literature, Society and Religion, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.


AVI Project – Attic Vase Inscriptions Project


F. Jonietz, W.-D. Löhr, A. Nova (eds.), Ghiberti Teorico. Natura, arte e coscienza storica nel Quattrocento, Milano: Officina Libraria, 2019.

A. Luciano, Gli ultimi giorni del comandante Plinio, Marlin editore, 2019.

K. Stuart Lee, Cityscapes in Roman painting: the place of the amphitheater riot fresco from Pompeii, New Classicists 2 (2020).

C. Brain, Painting by Numbers: A Quantitative Approach to Roman Art, Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal 2.1 (2019), 10.


G. Benedetti, Quando gli attributi travalicano il signum. Riflessioni sull’identità visuale degli dèi a Roma = When attributes go beyond the signum. Remarks on the visual identity of the gods in Rome, in Vestir divinamente. Deidades y cultores arropados o desnudos = Dressing Divinely. Clothed or Naked Deities and Devotees, Arys 17 (2019), 105-137.


A. Trakadas, In Mauretaniae maritimis: Marine Resource Exploitation in a Roman North African Province (Geographica historica 40), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018.


A. Augoustakis – E. Buckley – C. Stocks (eds.), Fides in Flavian literature, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019.


C. Nobili, The sanctuary of Delphi in Heliodorus’ Aethiopica: Between material culture and intertextuality, Ancient Narrative 16 (2019).


J. Leith Fink (ed.), Phantasia in Aristotle’s Ethics. Reception in the Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin Traditions (Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition), London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.

H.L. Reid – J.C. DeLong, The Many Faces of Mimesis: Selected Essays from the third Symposium on the Heritage of Western Greece (The Heritage of Western Greece 3), Sioux City: Parnassos Press – Fonte Aretusa, 2018.

M.F. Ferrini – G. Giglioni, (eds.), Tra il visibile e l’invisibile. Testi di fisiognomica nella tradizione greco-latina e arabo-islamica. Between the visible and the invisible: texts of physiognomics in the Greek-Latin and Arab-Islamic traditions, Macerata: eum, 2019.



C. Balmaceda (ed.), Miriam T. Griffin, Politics and Philosophy at Rome: Collected Papers, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.

Focus on:

  • ch. 16: Pliny and Tacitus
  • ch. 19: Pliny’s Letters, between History and E-mail 
  • ch. 38: Seneca and Pliny
  • ch. 43: The Younger Pliny’s Debt to Moral Philosophy
  • ch. 45: The Elder Pliny on Philosophers

M. Courrent, Vitruuius auctor. L’œuvre littéraire de Vitruve et sa réception dans la littérature antique (Ier-Ve siècles), Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2019.

J. Magness, Masada: From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth, Princeton – Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2019.


C. Beltrão, Imágenes de los dioses en Cicerón: Límites y contradicciones de la teología epicúrea sobre la imagen divina en De natura deorum I, Auster 23 (2018), 9-20.




B.H. Isaac, Empire and Ideology in the Graeco-Roman World: Selected Papers, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017.


O. Fuoco, La sorgente termale di Abano: da paesaggio naturale (Claud., carm. min. 26) a paesaggio morale (G. A. Augurelli, carm. 2, 12), Bollettino di studi latini 49 (2019), 671-677.

J. Tomás García, Léxico, usos y espacios de las imágenes de culto en las leyes sagradas griegas / Lexicon, uses and spaces of the cult images in the Greek sacred laws, in Vestir divinamente. Deidades y cultores arropados o desnudos / Dressing Divinely. Clothed or Naked Deities and Devotees, Arys 17 (2019), 13-35.


A. Corso, The Masters of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, NumAntCl 48 (2019), 45-62.


L. Bodiou – V.​ Mehl (eds.), Dictionnaire du corps dans l’Antiquité. Histoire​, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2019.


M.F. Ferrini, Chromata. Lessico dei termini greci di colore, vol. 1: alpha, Macerata: Eum, 2019.

S.D. Bundrick, Athens, Etruria, and the Many Lives of Greek Figured Pottery (Wisconsin studies in classics), Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2019.


C. Beltrão, Apolo, Hércules e Chrysas no De signis de Cícero (Verr. 2.4.93-96), Romanitas 13 (2019), 20-32.


M. De Nonno, Spicilegio critico serviano (con una congettura a Plin. ‘dub. serm.’ fr 122 Mazzarino), Res Publica Litterarum 41 (2018), 5-16.

S. Thavapalan – D.A. Warburton, The Value of Colour. Material and Economic Aspects in the Ancient World (Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 70), Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2020.


M. Osanna, Pompei. Il tempo ritrovato. Le nuove scoperte, Milano: Rizzoli, 2019.

A. Augoustakis, R.J. Littlewood (eds.), Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.


L.S. Nasrallah, Archaeology and the Letters of Paul, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Preview | Review

C.L.C.E. Witcombe, Eye and Art in Ancient Greece: A Study in Archaeoaesthetics, Turnhout: Brepols, 2018.

Focus on: ch 1. Pliny and Pausanias


W. Childs, Greek art and aesthetics in the fourth century B.C. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018.

M. Telò – M. Mueller (eds.), The Materialities of Greek Tragedy: Objects and Affect in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, London: Bloomsbury, 2018.

Preview | Review

The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE)


B. McNair, Cristoforo Landino: His Works and Thought (Medieval and Renaissance Authors and Texts 21), Leiden: Brill, 2019.

Y. Hunt, The Medicina Plinii: Latin Text, Translation, and Commentary, with an introduction by Kai Brodersen (Scientific Writings from the Ancient and Medieval World), Abingdon – New York: Routledge 2019.

F. Slavazzi – C. Torre (eds.), Intorno a Tiberio 2. Indagini iconografiche e letterarie sul Principe e la sua epoca (Materia e arte 2), Firenze: All’insegna del giglio, 2018.

Focus on:

  • M. Rossetti’s article, Impensius scire iuuat. Forme della conoscenza della Natura nella cultura della prima età imperiale, 31-40.
  • M. Cadario’s article, Il racconto di Ovidio delle processioni trionfali di Tiberio negli anni dell’esilio a Tomi. Il confronto con la tradizione iconografica, 51-56 (Link).
  • F. Slavazzi’s article, Tiberio collezionista: le opere e i gusti artistici, 57-62.

C. Whitton, The arts of imitation in Latin prose: Pliny’s “Epistles”/Quintilian in brief. Cambridge –  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

J. Robinson Telg Genannt Kortmann, Hannibal ad portas: Silius Italicus, ‘Punica’ 12,507-752. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018.




D.Y. Ng, M. Swetnam-Burland (eds.), Reuse and Renovation in Roman Material Culture: Functions, Aesthetics, Interpretations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.


R. Kendall, The Boscoreale Cups: What level of historical specificity was intended in the Tiberius Cup?, New Classicists 1 (2019).

G. Wolf, Die Vase und der Schemel. Ding, Bild oder eine Kunstgeschichte der Gefäße (Connecting Art Histories in the Museum 4), Dortmund: Verlag Kettler, 2019.

S. Rebeggiani, M.P. Loar, S. Murray (eds.), The Cultural History of Augustan Rome: Texts, Monuments, and Topography, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

C. Soares – J.L. Brandão – P.C. Carvalho (eds.), História Antiga: relações interdisciplinares: paisagens urbanas, rurais & sociais, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2018.


N. Cassone, C. Dazzi, F. Fontana, F. Garbasi, Roma in Appennino: storia e civiltà lungo la via romana Parma-Lucca, Reggio Emilia: Compagnia editoriale Aliberti, 2018.

M. Aurenhammer, Sculpture in Roman Asia Minor. Proceedings of the International Conference at Selçuk, 1st – 3 rd October 2013 (SoSchrÖAI 56), Wien: Holzhausen, 2018.

C. Facchini, La Naturalis Historia di Gaio Plinio Secondo, Atti della Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena 147 (2016), 335-345.


F. Montaguti, L’intervento di restauro del volume dell’Historia Mundi Naturalis di Plinio del 1582, Atti della Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena 147 (2016), 347-349.


G. Vannini (ed.), Plinio il Giovane. 50 Lettere, Milano: Mondadori, 2019.

O. Palagia, Handbook of Greek Sculpture, Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.

G.A. Aristodemou – T.P. Tassios (eds.), Great Waterworks in Roman Greece. Acqueducts and Monumental Fountains Structures. Function in Context (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 35), Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing, 2018.

C. Zaccagnino, The Aedes Aemiliana Herculis in the Forum Boarium: New Considerations, Mouseion 16.2 (2019), 197-225.


Images of Rome. The Rodolfo Lanciani Digital Archive


M. Barbanera, Le disgrazie altrui [non] siano un ornamento per la propria patria (Polyb., IX.10), in M. Modolo, S. Pallecchi, G. Volpe, E. Zanini (eds.), Una lezione di archeologia globale. Studi in onore di Daniele Manacorda, Bari: Edipuglia, 2019, 51-55.


S. Bracci, D. Magrini, G. Bartolozzi, Painted or not painted? Discovering color traces of ancient stones, Color Culture and Science Journal 11 (2019), 47–56.


A. Petrovic – I. Petrovic – E. Thomas (eds.), The Materiality of Text: Placement, Perception, and Presence of Inscribed Texts in Classical Antiquity (Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy 11), Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2018.




M. Wellington Gahtan – E.M. Troelenberg (eds.), Collecting and Empires. An Historical and Global Perspective, London – Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, 2019.

E. Carrara, Vasari e Ammannati nel cantiere della villa medicea di Castello: due disegni del Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York, Opus incertum 2018, 44-53.


Y. Benferhat, L’eau et le plaisant: Usages et représentations de l’eau dans l’oeuvre de Pline le Jeune, Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2019.

G. Vannini (ed.), Plinio il Giovane, Panegirico a Traiano, Milano: Mondadori, 2019.

A. Canobbio, Plinio il Giovane, Svetonio e un invito a pubblicare: analisi intertestuale dell’epistola 5.10, in Atti del Convegno internazionale Letteratura e società nella cultura romana imperiale (Siena 23-24 febbraio 2017), SIFC 16 (2018), 52-72.

M.F. Nichols, Author and Audience in Vitruvius’ ‘De architectura’ (Greek culture in the Roman world), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.


D. Spencer, Language and Authority in De Lingua Latina. Varro’s Guide to Being Roman, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2019.

P. Lohmann (ed.), Historische Graffiti als Quellen. Methoden und Perspektiven eines jungen Forschungsbereichs, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018.


K. Lapatin (ed.), Buried by Vesuvius: The Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum, Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2019.


R. Dubbini (ed.), I confini di Roma. Atti del convegno internazionale (Università degli Studi di Ferrara, 31 maggio – 2 giugno 2018) (MOUSAI. Laboratorio di archeologia e storia delle arti, 13), Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2019.

I. Nova, L’Odissea del Pittore di Penelope, in S. Barbantani – A. Porro (eds.), Δόσις δ’ ὀλίγη τε φίλη τε. Studi offerti a Mario Cantilena per i suoi 70 anni, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2019.

I. Matijasich, Misurare la terra. Considerazioni sul caso siciliano a partire dalla fondazione di Zancle in Callimaco, Pallas 109 (2019), 195-213.


J. Tuckwell, Creation and the Function of Art: Technē, Poiesis, and the Problem of Aesthetics (Bloomsbury studies in continental philosophy), New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.


E. Carrara, Fonti storico-artistiche prevasariane sulla ‘Sala grande’, Italianistica 48 (2019), 107-123.


G.F. Giannotti (ed.), Pensieri sull’imitazione. Johann Joachim Winckelmann tra storia dell’arte, ideali politici e Altertumswissenschaft (Quaderni 31), Torino: Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 2019.

Earlier Latin Manuscripts


L. Picchi, Plinio il Vecchio. L’eredità di un illustre comasco scrittore, naturalista, ammiraglio, Como: Nodolibri, 2018.

A. Canobbio, L’epistola 1.10 di Plinio il Giovane. Il filosofo Eufrate tra Seneca e Quintiliano, Athenaeum 107 (2019).

M. Linder, Der Staat und die Künstler – Zum Kunstschaffen in archaischer und klassischer Zeit vor dem Hintergrund der griechischen Staatenpolitik, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017.

E. Gagliano, «Εὐοῖ», un grido straniero ad Atene. Agalmata ateniesi di Dioniso imberbe nel V secolo a.C.: testimonia et fragmenta, West&East 3 (2018), 45-65.

P.A. Webb, The Tower of the Winds in Athens: Greeks, Romans, Christians, and Muslims: Two Millennia of Continual Use (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 270), Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2017.

D. Solly, A Spanish Bonanza? A Reexamination of Roman Gold Mining Technology, in J. Willem Drijvers – N. Lenski (eds.), The Fifth Century: Age of Transformation. Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity Conference (Munera. Studi Storici sulla Tarda Antichità 46), Bari: Edipuglia, 2019.

M. Cadario, Il prospero reditus del princeps. Osservazioni sul programma decorativo dell’Augusto di Prima Porta, Eidola 15 (2018), 9-26.

J. Koering (ed.), Robert Klein, L’Esthétique de la technè. L’art selon Aristote et les théories des arts visuels au XVIe siècle, Paris: INHA, 2017.

L. Pfuntner, Urbanism and Empire in Roman Sicily, Austin: University of Texas Press, 2019.

A. Corso, Il disegno nell’architettura antica (Collana del Centro Studi Vitruviani 4), Venezia: Marsilio,  2018.

C.M. Keesling, Greek statue terms revisited: what does ἀνδριάς mean?, GRBS 57 (2017), 837-861.

A.-L. Darras-Worms, Plotin. Traité 31: sur la beauté intelligible, Paris: Vrin, 2018.

C. Panzera – A. Sultan – E. Canonica, La correspondance de Giorgio Vasari. Un exemplum du nouveau statut de l’«artefice», à la croisée de l’art et de la littérature, Relier, délier les langues. Formes et défis linguistiques de l’écriture épistolaire (Moyen Âge – première modernité), Paris: Editions Hermann, 2019.

M. Linder, “discipulos reliquit laudatos artifices” – Zu den Künstlergenealogien bei Plinius und Pausanias, in G. Koiner – U. Lohner-Urban (eds.), “Ich bin dann mal weg”. Festschrift für einen Reisenden, Thuri Lorenz zum 85. Geburtstag, Wien: Phoibos Verlag, 2016, 127-132.

D. Grzesik, The Honorific Statues of Delphi 1, Historia 68 (2019), 200-227.

B. Díaz Ariño, Was C. Rubellius Blandus involved in the exploitation of the silver mines of Carthago Nova?, Historia 68 (2019), 228-232.

J. Tomas Garcia, La imagen estereotipada del sacrificio del buey en la cultura visual greco-romana, Humanitas 73 (2019), 53-80


J. Lang, Combinazioni di motivi e simboli: considerazioni sul ‘narrare’ nella glittica romana, Eidola 15 (2018), 57-72.

U. Mania – M. Trümper (eds.), Development of gymnasia and Graeco-Roman cityscapes, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2019.

S. Hemingway – K. Karoglou (eds.), Art of the Hellenistic Kingdoms, New Haven – London: Yale University Press, 2019.


G. Herbert de la Porbarré-Viard – R. Robert (eds.), Architectures et espace fictifs dans l’Antiquité: textes – images, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2018.

M. Dana – I. Savalli-Lestrade, La cité interconnectée dans le monde gréco-romain (IVe siècle a.C.- IVe siècle p.C.), Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2018.

A. Wilson (ed.), Trade, Commerce, and the State in the Roman World (Oxford studies on the Roman economy), Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.


I. Colpo, Nella Roma di Augusto, tra letteratura e repertorio figurato: l’Ercole di Ovidio, Eidola 14 (2017), 109-127.

M.E. Erba, La regia solis nelle Metamorfosi di Ovidio e il complesso di Apollo sul Palatino: riflessi topografici e monumentali, Eidola 14 (2017), 129-146.

J. Moralee, Rome’s Holy Mountain: The Capitoline Hill in Late Antiquity (Oxford studies in late Antiquity), Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.


S. Barker, The First Biography of Artemisia Gentileschi: Self-Fashioning and Proto-Feminist Art History in Cristofano Bronzini’s Notes on Women Artists, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes 60 (2018), 405-435.

K.-D. Fischer, Mittel für die Behandlung kranker Nutztiere in der Naturalis historia des Älteren Plinius, in L. Sannicandro – M. Schwarzenberger (eds.), Morborum et signa et causas praedicere curasque monstrare. La medicina veterinaria nel mondo antico e medievale. Atti del V Convegno Internazionale, Monaco di Baviera, 29-31 marzo 2017, Commentaria Classica V – 2018 (Supplemento), 39-54.


C. Draycott – R. Raja – K. Welch – W.T. Wootton (eds.), Visual Histories of the Classical World: Essays in Honour of R.R.R. Smith, Turnhout: Brepols, 2018.

M. Cameron, The Moving Cause of Artefacts: the role of techne in metaphysical explanation, Ancient Philosophy Today 1 (2019), 64-83.


W. Feemster Jashemski – K.L. Gleason – K.J. Hartswick – A.A.​ Malek (eds.), Gardens of the Roman Empire, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018.


C. Ampolo, Medea in didascalia (“label”). Appunti su Medea in Etruria ed a Roma, in V. Nizzo – A. Pizzo (eds.), Antico e non antico. Scritti multidisciplinari offerti a Giuseppe Pucci, Milano – Udine: Mimesis, 2019.

M. Ricciardi (ed.), L’anfiteatro di Leptis Magna, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2018.

T. Hölscher, Die Geschöpfe des Daidalos: Vom sozialen Leben der griechischen Bildwerke, Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2018.


F. Ghedini, Livio e i primordia urbis: la prospettiva dello storico dell’arte, Eidola 14 (2017), 85-107.

A. Anguissola, Tempo e spazio della metamorfosi. Osservazioni sull’iconografia di Ermafrodito, Eidola 15 (2018), 41-55.

D. Dueck (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Strabo, London – New York: Routledge, 2017.


E. Giusti, Carthage in Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’: Staging the Enemy under Augustus (Cambridge classical studies), Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018.


J. Schrader, Gespräche mit Göttern: Die poetologische Funktion kommunikativer Kultbilder bei Horaz, Tibull und Properz (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 58), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017.


R. Aist, From Topography to Text: The Image of Jerusalem in the Writings of Eucherius, Adomnán and Bede, Turnhout: Brepols, 2018.

S. Montel – A. Pollini (eds.), La question de l’espace au IVe s. avant J.-C. dans les mondes grec et étrusco-italique, Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2018.

Thesaurus linguae Latinae Open Access


E. Carrara, Il tema del Paragone delle Arti da Leonardo a Benedetto Varchi, in F. Dubard de Gaillarbois – O. Chiquet (eds.), Nodi, vincoli e groppi leonardeschi. Études sur Léonard de Vinci, Paris: Spartacus, 2019, 183-198.

P. Linant de Bellefonds – É. Prioux, Voir les mythes: Poésie hellénistique et arts figurés (Antiqua 18), Paris: Éditions Picard, 2018.


O. Palagia, The painted Battle of Oinoe in the Stoa Poikile and the events of 506 B.C., in J. Fouquet et al. (eds.), Argonautica. Festschrift Reinhard Stupperich (Boreas Beiheft 12), Marsberg, Sauerland: Scriptorium, 2019, 59-63.


N. Zimmermann – T. Fröhlich – S. Haps – I. Mayer – A.E. Felle – A. Vilello, Kollektive Bestattungen in Rom zwischen später Republik und Spätantike. Forschungsüberblick der Jahre 2016 bis 2018, e-Forschungsberichte 2019, 131-145.


P. Brocato – N. Terrenato (eds.), Nuovi studi sulla Regia di Roma (Paesaggi antichi 2), Cosenza: Pellegrini, 2017.


H.J. Beste, Neue Argumente zu einer Naumachie im Colosseum. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2017 und 2018, e-Forschungsberichte 2019, 146-150.


I. van der Graaff –  M.L. Thomas – P. Wilkinson – J.L. Muslin – J.R. Clarke – N.K. Muntasser – G. Di Maio, First Results of Three Seasons of Excavation at Oplontis B (2016-18), Fasti Online Documents & Research 430, 2019.


Pompeii Artistic Landscape Project


G.P.R. Métraux – A. Marzano (eds.), Roman villas in the Mediterranean basin, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018.

D. Matetić Poljak – K. Marasović (eds.), ASMOSIA XI. Interdisciplinary Studies of Ancient Stone. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of ASMOSIA, Split, 18-22 May 2015, Split: University of Split – Arts Academy in Split, 2018.

A. König – C. Whitton (eds.), Roman Literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian: Literary Interactions, AD 96-138, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.


W. Fitzgerald – E. Spentzou (eds.), The Production of Space in Latin Literature, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.


A. Georgiadou – K. Oikonomopoulou (eds.), Space, Time and Language in Plutarch (Millennium-Studien 67), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2017.


G. Adornato – I. Bald Romano – G. Cirucci – A. Poggio (eds.), Restaging Greek Artworks in Roman Times, with an afterword by C.H. Hallett, Milano: LED, 2018.


V. Boudon-Millot – M. Pardon-Labonnelie (eds.), Le teint de Phrynè. Thérapeutique et cosmétique dans l’Antiquité, Paris: Éditions de Boccard, 2018.

E. Gagliano, Heracles, Theseus and Apollo anadoumenos ten komen. Three ›Forgotten‹ Statues from the Athenian Agora, MDAI(A) 133 (2018), 95-125.

C. Michelini (ed.), Scavi e ricerche a Locri Epizefiri (Locri, RC; 2017), Segesta (Calatafimi – Segesta, TP), Kaulonia (Monasterace, RC), Isola d’Elba (LI; 2013-2017), ASNS s. 5, 10/2 supplemento (Notizie degli scavi di antichità comunicate dalla Scuola Normale. Rassegna archeologica del laboratorio di Storia Archeologia Epigrafia Tradizione dell’antico), 2018.

Paolo Chiesa, La trasmissione dei testi latini, Roma: Carocci Editore, 2019.

A. Morigi – C. Quintelli, Founding and Refounding. Parma, Reggio and Modena along the Roman Via Aemilia, Padova: Il Poligrafo,  2018.

Y. Perrin, Itinéraires romains. Documents de topographie et d’archéologie historiques pour l’histoire de Rome, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2018.

K. Kaderka, Les décors tympanaux des temples de Rome, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2018.

R. Couzin, Invented traditions: Latin terminology and the writing of art history, Journal of Art Historiography 19 (2018).


G. Langfeld, The canon in art history: concepts and approaches, Journal of Art Historiography 19 (2018).


Read – Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents


N.W. Slater, Leadership and Followership in Book X of the Letters of Pliny, Giornale Italiano di Filologia 70 (2018), Special issue: International Studies of Ancient Sources and Their Contexts, Turnhout: Brepols Publisher, 179-200.

S. Audano, La statua, la virtù e la memoria del principe: variazioni di un topos tra Cassio Dione (LXXIV [LXXIII] 14, 2a) e Plinio il Giovane (Pan. 55), Sileno 44 (2018), 1-12.

M. Papini, Il Canone di Policleto, Lexicon Philosophiae 2018, Special issue: Hellenistic Theories of Knowledge, 5-41.


C. Coquelet – G. Creemers – R. Dreesen – É. Goemaere (eds.), Roman Ornamental Stones in North-Western Europe. Natural Resources, Manufacturing, Supply, Life and After-Life. Actes du colloque de Tongres des 20-22 avril 2016, Namur: Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine, 2018.

A. Dubois – J.-B. Eczet – A. Grand-Clément – Ch. Ribeyrol (eds.), Arcs-en-ciel et couleurs: regards comparatifs (Bibliothèque de l’anthropologie), Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2018.


B. de Divitiis – A. Nova – S. Vitali (eds.), Antichità, identità, umanesimo. Nuovi studi sulla cultura antiquaria nel Mediterraneo in età rinascimentale, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz LX (2018).

J. Tomás García, Definición y contextos de las imágenes de culto en la Grecia antigua, Euphrosyne 45 (2017),  25-40.


S. Rebeggiani, The Fragility of Power: Statius, Domitian, and the Politics of the Thebaid, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

C. Delattre, Périégèse et exégèse: l’exemple de Pausanias, in C. Delattre – E. Valette – J.-F. Cottier – S. Kefallonitis – M. Ribreau – J. Soler (eds.), Pragmatique du commentaire. Mondes anciens, mondes lointains, Turnhout: Brepols, 2018.

J. Boislève – A. Dardenay – F. Monier (eds.), Peintures et stucs d’époque romaine. Études toichographologiques. Actes du 29e colloque de l’AFPMA, Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2018.

O. Palagia, The Elgin throne and the Tyrannicides, in P. Karanastasi et al. (eds.), Γλυπτική και κοινωνία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2018, 67-74.


C.T. Hadavas, Cebes’ Tablet + Prodicus’ “Choice of Heracles”: An Intermediate Ancient Greek Reader, Beloit, WI: C.T. Hadavas, 2018.


Locus Ludi


C.-E. Centlivres Challet, Pliny the Lover: by the book, Museum Helveticum 75 (2018), 155-168.


T. Keeline, Est … mihi cum Cicerone aemulatio: Pliny’s Cicero, in T. Keeline (ed.), The Reception of Cicero in the Early Roman Empire: The Rhetorical Schoolroom and the Creation of a Cultural Legend, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, 277-335.

P. Li Causi, Un Aristotele romano? Ricezione e metamorfosi del corpus zoologico in Plinio il Vecchio, in M.M. Sassi – E. Coda – G. Feola (eds.), La zoologia di Aristotele e la sua ricezione dall’età ellenistica e romana alle culture medievaliAtti della X “Settimana di Formazione” del Centro GrAL, Pisa, 18-20 novembre 2015, Pisa: Pisa University Press, 2018, 81-106.

G. Ventrella – Th. Grandjean – L. Thévenet, Dion de Pruse dit Dion Chrysostome. Œuvres. Discours olympique, ou sur la conception première de la divinité (or. XII): À Athènes, sur sa fuite (or. XIII) (Collection des universités de France), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2017.

A. Mancini, Deliberat Nero: una declamazione ‘nascosta’ in Suet. Ner. 47.2, Philologus 162 (2018), 324-331.


P.L. Tucci, The Temple of Peace in Rome, 2 vols, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Reviews 1 | 2 | 3
Author’s Responses 1 | 2

P. Petrone et al., A hypothesis of sudden body fluid vaporization in the 79 AD victims of Vesuvius, PLoS ONE 13 (2018).


S. Perea Yébenes – J. Tomás García (eds.), Glyptós. Gemas y camafeos greco-romanos. Arte, mitologías, creencias (Thema Mundi 10), Salamanca – Madrid: Signifer Libros, 2018.

D. Rodrígez Pérez (ed.), Greek Art in Context. Archaeological and Art Historical Perspectives, London – New York:  Routledge, 2017.

Focus on: H. Hochscheid, Not quite Pheidias. Status and Labour Specialisation in Athenian Sculpture.


V. Azoulay, The Tyrant-Slayers of Ancient Athens. A Tale of Two Statues, translated by Janet Lloyd, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.


Ph. Jockey, Les arts de la couleur en Grèce ancienne … et ailleurs: approches interdisciplinaires, Athènes – Paris: École française d’Athènes – De Boccard, 2018.

M.V. Martino, De inventoribus Medicinae. L’origine de la Médecine dans les Etymologiae d’Isidore de Séville, Eruditio Antiqua 10 (2018), 105-114.


S. Rocchi – C. Mussini (eds.), Imagines antiquitatis: Representations, Concepts, Receptions of the Past in Roman Antiquity and the Early Italian Renaissance (Philologus. Supplementary volumes 7), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2017.


M. Loar (ed.), Rome, empire of plunder: the dynamics of cultural appropriation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,  2018.


A. Russo – R. Cosentino – R. Zaccagnini (eds.), Pittura di terracotta. Mito e immagine nelle lastre dipinte di Cerveteri, Roma: Gangemi Editore, 2018.

D. Del Bufalo, Porphyry. Red Imperial Porphyry. Power and Religion (Second edition), Torino: Umberto Allemandi, 2018.

P. Matthiae, Dalla terra alla storia. Scoperte leggendarie di archeologia orientale, Torino: Einaudi, 2018.

I. Van der Graaf, The Fortifications of Pompeii and Ancient Italy, Andover: Routledge, 2018.

Y. Dubois – U. Niffeler (eds.), Pictores per provincias II – Status quaestionis. Actes du 13e Colloque de l’Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique (AIPMA), Université de Lausanne 12-16 septembre 2016, Basel: Archéologie Suisse, 2018.

B. Brennan, Herculaneum: a Roman town reborn, New South Wales: Ancient History Seminars, 2018.

D. Acciarino, Lettere sulle grottesche (1580-1581), Canterano (Roma): Aracne editrice, 2018.

J. Neils, Praxiteles to Caravaggio: The Apollo Sauroktonos Redefined, The Art Bulletin 99 (2017), 10-30.

A. Ch. Antonaras, Glassware and Glassworking in Thessaloniki: 1st century BC – 6th century AD (Archaeopress Roman archaeology), Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017.


S.T.A.M. Mols – E.M. Moormann (eds.), Context and meaning: proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference of the Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Athens, September 16 – 20, 2013 (Babesch Supplement 31), Leuven – Paris – Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2017.

A. Apesos, Titian’s Flaying of Marsyas: Colorito Triumphant, Artibus et Historiae 77 (XXXIX) 2018, 111–143.


F. Conte (ed.), Le risorse digitali per la storia dell’arte moderna in Italia. Progetti, ricerca scientifica e territorio, Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2018.

Focus on: G. Adornato – E. Falaschi – A. Poggio – G. Benotto – R. Zitarosa, Oltreplinio, progetto interdisciplinare sulla Naturalis Historia, tra antico e moderno, 123-136.

F. Gazzano, La Lidia di Plinio il Vecchio, Maia 70 (2018), 260-279.

F. Guidetti, Da banausoi a professores: il ruolo degli artisti nella società romana, in A. Marcone (ed.), Lavoro, lavoratori e dinamiche sociali a Roma Antica. Persistenze e trasformazioni. Atti delle giornate di studio (Roma, Università di Roma Tre, 25-26 maggio 2017), Roma: Castelvecchi, 2018, 143-171.


A. Kampakoglou – A.A. Novokhatko (eds.). Gaze, Vision, and Visuality in Ancient Greek Literature (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes, 54), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2018.

J. Schoevaert, Les boutiques d’Ostie: l’économie urbaine au quotidien: Ier s. av. J.-C. – Ve ap. J.-C. (Collection de l’École française de Rome, 537), Roma: École française de Rome, 2018.

A. Motta, The Philosophy of Artistic Creation: Phidias, the Ideas, and Cicero, Apeiron 51 (2018), 325-344.

J. Elsner, The art of the Roman Empire AD 100-450, second edition (Oxford history of art), Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.

F. Dolansky – S. Raucci, Rome: a Sourcebook on the Ancient City (Bloomsbury Sources in Ancient History), London –  New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.

A. Avagliano, Le origini di Pompei: la città tra il VI e il V secolo a.C. (Bulletin antieke beschaving. Supplements, 33), Leuven – Paris – Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2018.

A. Anguissola, Supports in Roman Marble Sculpture: Workshop Practice and Modes of Viewing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.

M.W. Kwakkelstein, The Limited Impact of Leonardo da Vinci’s Ideas on Painting in Sforza Milan, Artibus et Historiae 77 (XXXIX) 2018, 77–98.


F. Pontani (ed.), Certissima signa: a Venice Conference on Greek and Latin Astronomical Texts (Antichistica, 13; Filologia e Letteratura, 2), Venezia: Cafoscarina, 2017.


J. König – G. Woolf (eds.), Authority and Expertise in Ancient Scientific Culture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

G. Rosada, Le fonti nella fonte. L’ambra e le sue vie rileggendo Plinio (Nat. hist. 37, 30-53), in M. Cavalieri – C. Boschetti (eds.), MVLTA PER AEQVORA. Il polisemico significato della moderna ricerca archeologica. Omaggio a Sara Santoro, vol. 2, Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2018, 807-820.

V. Platt, Orphaned Objects: The Phenomenology of the Incomplete in Pliny’s Natural History, in M. Gaifman – V. Platt – M. Squire (eds.), The Embodied Object in Classical Antiquity, Art History 41 (2018), 492–517.


R. Gnoli, Marmora Romana. 3rd ed. Le Costellazioni. Milano: La nave di Teseo, 2018.

E. Hénin – V. Naas (eds.), Le mythe de l’art antique. Beaux livres. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2018.

B. Longfellow – E.E. Perry (eds.), Roman artists, Patrons, and Public Consumption. Familiar Works Reconsidered, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2018.

Review 1 | Review 2

R. Helg, Frontes. Le facciate nell’architettura e nell’urbanistica di Pompei e di Ercolano, Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2018.

Focus on:
Chapter 3, Architettura della facciata: il contributo delle fonti.

F. Guidetti, The hero’s white hands: The early history of the myth of Achilles on Scyros, in D. Campanile – F. Carlà-Uhink – M. Facella (eds.), TransAntiquity: Cross-Dressing and Transgender Dynamics in the Ancient World, London – New York: Routledge, 2017, 181-201.


R. Dimopoulou, Ciriaco d’Ancona, De Septem Mundi Spectaculis: Aspects on His Language, Mediterranean chronicle 7 (2017), 89-100.

S. Jusseret – M. Sintubin (eds.), Minoan Earthquakes: Breaking the Myth through Interdisciplinarity. Studies in Archaeological Sciences 5. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2017.

Simonides Project


S.I. Ramos Maldonado, De terrae odore: una epístola latina de Celio Calcagnini sobre un pasaje controvertido de critica textual en Plinio el Viejo y Cicerón, Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate 20 (2018), 173-199.


D. Katsonopoulou (ed.), Paros IV: Η Παροσ και οι αποικιεσ τησ / Paros and its Colonies, Athens: The Paros and Cyclades Institute of Archaeology, 2018.

A. Balbo, «Cetera non sunt narranda, pingenda sunt». Retorica visuale e actio in Calpurnio Flacco, Maia 70 (2018), 149-159.

A. Casamento, Sic astra mereri. Un’analisi della Controversia de statua viri fortis di Draconzio, Linguarum varietas 6 (2017), 177-197.

G. Athanasiadou, Epigrams on Myron’s Cow in Translation: an Example by Taddeo Ugoleto, Mediterranean chronicle 7 (2017), 31-40.

A. Borgna – S. Musso, Le sfide di una biblioteca digitale del latino tardoantico. Struttura, canone e questioni aperte di codifica e visualizzazione, in P. Mastandrea (ed.), Strumenti digitali e collaborativi per le Scienze dell’Antichità, Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2017, 69-94.

A. Augenti, A come archeologia: 10 grandi scoperte per ricostruire la storia, Roma: Carocci, 2018.

Index of Ancient Greek Lexica


R.M. Lucifora (ed.), Vino e Salute. Dalla civiltà antica ad oggi, Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2018.

Focus on:

  • Livia Radici, Sostanze naturali, sofisticazioni del vino e salute in Plinio;
  • Livia Radici, ‘Vinum sanguis terrae’, ‘agua sangre de la tierra’, ‘petróleo sangre de la tierra’: Plinio, nat. XIV 58, 5-7, prima e dopo.

S. Amigues (ed.), Théophraste. Les Pierres, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2018.


M. Lagogianni-Georgakarakos, E. Papi (eds.), HADRIANVS – ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΣ. Ο Αδριανός, η Αθήνα και τα Γυμνάσια – Adriano, Atene e i Ginnasi – Hadrian, Athens and the Gymnasia, Αθήνα – Atene – Athens: National Archaeological Museum – Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 2018.

F. Queyrel – R. von den Hoff (eds.), La vie des portraits grecs. Statues-portraits du Ve au Ier siècle av. J.-C. Usages et re-contextualisations, Paris: Hermann, 2017.

M.S. Celentano,  La obsesión de amor entre narcisismo y locura homicida: el caso de Polifemo en Ovidio, Metamorfosis 13, 738-897 / Love Obsession between Narcissism and Homicidal Madness: The Case of Polyphemus in Ovids Metamorphoses 13, 738-897, Rétor 7,2 (2017), 135-151.


T.M. Dijkstra – I.N.I Kuin – M. Moser – D. Weidgennant (eds.), Strategies of Remembering in Greece under Rome (100 BC – 100 AD) (Publications of the Netherlands Institute in Athens VI), Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2017.

A.D. Rizakis – F. Camia – S. Zoumbaki (eds.), Social Dynamics under Roman Rule. Mobility and Status Change in the Provinces of Achaia and Macedonia. Proceedings of a Conference Held at the French School of Athens, 30-31 May 2014 (Meletemata 74), Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation 2017.

P. Mastandrea (ed.), Strumenti digitali e collaborativi per le Scienze dell’Antichità, Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2017.

Online Public Classics Archive: Classics in the News


Philoclassics: Open Access Electronic Resources for Classical Studies


P. Ciprés (ed.), Plinio el Viejo y la construcción de Hispania citerior / Pliny the Elder and the construction of Hispania citerior (Acta 14), Vitoria-Gasteiz: Universidad del País Vasco, 2017.

M.S. Celentano, Ingegnosità esemplare di un pittore: la lunga storia del ‘velo’ di Timante (fino alla ricezione in una maiolica urbinate), Accademia Raffaello Atti e Studi (1-2) 2017, 57-65.

M. Iozzo, Il Vaso François. Rex Vasorum, Firenze: Polistampa, 2017.

C. Higbie, Collectors, Scholars, and Forgers in the Ancient World: Object Lessons, Oxford – New York:  Oxford University Press, 2017.


P. Li Causi, Gli animali nel mondo antico, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2018.

L. Saltini – A. Balbo – G. Milanese (eds.), Autori antichi per lettori europei. La raccolta greca e latina della biblioteca cantonale di Lugano, Lugano: Biblioteca Cantonale di Lugano, 2018.

The Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project


EPNet (Production and Distribution of Food during the Roman Empire: Economic and Political Dynamics)


N. Dietrich – M. Squire (eds.), Ornament and Figure in Graeco-Roman Art. Rethinking Visual Ontologies in Classical Antiquity, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018.

Focus on: Verity Platt’s paper, Of sponges and stones: Matter and ornament in Roman painting.

S. Rebeggiani, The Fragility of Power: Statius, Domitian and the Politics of the Thebaid, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

O. Palagia, “The riddle of Acropolis Museum 1263: a fourth-century repair to the Erechtheion frieze?”, in M. Korres et al. (eds.), ΗΡΩΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ. Μνήμη Χαράλαμπου Μπούρα, vol. 2, Athens: ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑ, 2017, 309-313.


T. Ismaelli, Il Tempio A nel Santuario di Apollo. Architettura, decorazione e contesto (Hierapolis di Frigia X), Istanbul: Yayınları, 2017.

A. Carandini – P. Carafa (eds.), The Atlas of Ancient Rome: Biography and Portraits of the City (2 vols.). Translated by Andrew Campbell Halavais. Princeton – Oxford:  Princeton University Press, 2017.


N.W. Bernstein (ed.), Silius Italicus. Punica 2, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

K. Gervais (ed.), Statius. Thebaid 2, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

J. Grethlein, Aesthetic Experiences and Classical Antiquity. The Significance of Form in Narratives and Pictures, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.


J. König – G. Woolf (eds.), Authority and Expertise in Ancient Scientific Culture, Cambridge – New York:  Cambridge University Press, 2017.

J.C. McKeown, A Cabinet of Ancient Medical Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from the Healing Arts of Greece and Rome, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

S. Rocchi – C. Mussini (eds.), Imagines Antiquitatis. Representations, concepts, reception of the past in Roman antiquity and the early Italian Renaissance, Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2017.

A. Dressen, From Dante to Landino: Botticelli’s Calumny of Apelles and its Sources, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 59.3 (2017), 324–339.

B. Wilson, The Itinerant Artist and the Islamic Urban Prospect: Guillaume-Joseph Grélot’s Self-portraits in Ambrosio Bembo’s ‘Travel Journal’, Artibus et Historiae 76, XXXVIII (2017), 157-180.


Delos Network


The Portus Project


A. Bastit, Simplicité de l’intellect et perception divine chez Pline l’Ancien et Irénée de Lyon: aperçu de la réception d’une sentence de Xénophane à l’époque impériale, in E. Gavoille – S. Roesch (eds.), Diuina studia. Mélanges de religion et de philosophie anciennes offerts à François Guillaumont (Scripta Antiqua, 110), Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions 2018, 139-154.

C. Avvisati (ed.), Gaio Plinio Cecilio Secondo detto il giovane, Comme s’arricettaie zizío, ovvero le lettere a Tacito sulla morte di Plinio il Vecchio tradotte in napoletano, Napoli: I tipi di Art’em 2018.


U. Pappalardo, Il Laocoonte e l’archeologia: Lessing, Winckelmann, Goethe e la visione dell’arte classica nel XVIII secolo, Cultura Tedesca 53 (2017), 143-165.


C. Michelini (ed.), Scavi e ricerche a Segesta (Calatafimi-Segesta,TP; 2016), Entella (Contessa Entellina, PA), Locri Epizefiri (Locri, RC; 2016) e Gortina (Creta), ASNS s. 5, 9/2 supplemento (Notizie degli scavi di antichità comunicate dalla Scuola Normale. Rassegna archeologica del laboratorio di Storia Archeologia Epigrafia Tradizione dell’antico), 2017.

The Ancient Graffiti Project Search Engine


S. Kansteiner, Pseudoantike Skulptur II: Klassizistische Statuen aus antiker und nachantiker Zeit (Transformationen der Antike 47), Berlin – Boston:  De Gruyter, 2017.

C. Bachmann, Zeichen der Zeit in Philostrats Eikones, in J. Bracker – T. Jegodzinski (eds.), Bilder: Zeitzeichen und Zeitphänomene/Images: Signs and Phenomena of Time, Visual Past 4 (2017), 21-34.


C. Kryza-Gersch, Confusing Signatures on Bronzes: Sculptor and Castor in Renaissance Venice, Artibus et Historiae 76, XXXVIII (2017), 95-112.


F. Isman, L’Italia dell’arte venduta. Collezioni disperse, capolavori fuggiti, Bologna: il Mulino, 2017.

A. Casamento, Colorem timere peius quam sanguinem. Paintings, family strife and heroism, in M. Dinter – C. Guérin – M. Martinho (eds.), Reading Roman Declamation. Calpurnius Flaccus, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, 97-112.

G. Moretti, L’intellettuale di successo e il suo pubblico. Responsabilità letteraria, riconoscimento sociale e gratitudine civica nell’oratoria di Apuleio: il simbolismo delle statue, Hormos 9 (2017), 571-593.

A. Chaniotis, The Life of Statues of Gods in the Greek World, Kernos 30 (2017), 91-112.

A. Gonzales – G. Tirologos, L’artisanat à l’époque romaine. Les ateliers d’Epomanduodurum (Institut des sciences et techniques de l’Antiquité (ISTA)), Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2017 [DVD].

N. Bonacasa – S. Aiosa, Sabratha. Una guida a studi e ricerche degli ultimi 50 anni, Palermo: Bardi, 2017.

P. Clancier – O. Coloru – G. Gorre, Les mondes hellénistiques du Nil à l’Indus, Paris: Hachette, 2017.

M. Dondin-Payre – N. Tran (eds.), Esclaves et maîtres dans le monde romain. Expressions épigraphiques de leur relations (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, 527), Roma: Ecole française de Rome, 2017.

W. Raeck (ed.), Figur und Raum in der frühgriechischen Flächenkunst. Archäologisches Symposium für Hanna Koenigs-Philipp, Liebighaus Frankfurt am Main im Juni 2008, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2017.

F.H. Massa-Pairault – C. Pouzadoux (eds.), Géants et gigantomachies entre Orient et Occident: actes du colloque organisé par Centre Jean Bérard (CNRS/EFR) AOROC – ArScaN – LABEX Les passés dans le présent, Naples, 14-15 novembre 2013 (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard 47), Napoli: Centre Jean Bérard, 2017.

A. de Pury-Gysel, Die Goldbüste des Septimius Severus: Gold- und Silberbüsten römischer Kaiser, Basel: Librum Publishers & Editors, 2017.

B. Chrubasik – D. King (eds.), Hellenism and the local communities of the eastern Mediterranean, 400 B.C.E. – 250 C.E., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

C. De Hamel, Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts, London: Allen Lane, 2016 (Italian Translation: Storia di dodici manoscritti, Milano: Mondadori, 2017).

S. Beta, Io, un manoscritto. L’Antologia Palatina si racconta, Roma: Carocci Editore, 2017.

Review_1 | Review_2

A Homer Commentary in Progress


Umanistica Digitale: Journal of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities 1 (2017)


Rivista del Museo Egizio


A. Corbeill, A New Painting of Calypso in Pliny the Elder, Eugesta 7 (2017), 184-198.


R. Scott Smith, Myth and Mythography in Pliny’s Geography, Naturalis Historia 3-6, Polymnia 3 (2017), 83-116.


F. Bessone – M. Fucecchi (eds.), The Literary Genres in the Flavian Age. Canons, Transformations, Reception (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 51), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2017.

Focus on the section “Encyclopaedism and Oratory“:

  • S. Citroni Marchetti, Contingat aliqua gratia operae curaeque nostrae: an ethic of care in the Naturalis historia, 65-82;

  • A. Balbo, Roman oratory and power under the Flavians: some case studies from Pliny the Younger, 83-100.

A. Bellanova, Il fascino del monstrorum artifex: l’interesse di Borges per Plinio il Vecchio, FuturoClassico 3 (2017), 1-22.


E. Swift, Roman Artefacts and Society: Design, Behaviour and Experience, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.


F. Slavazzi – C. Torre (eds.), Intorno a Tiberio, 1. Archeologia, cultura e letteratura del Principe e della sua epoca (Materia e arte 2), Firenze: All’Insegna del Giglio, 2016.


L. Cordes, Kaiser und Tyrann. Die Kodierung und Umkodierung der Herrscherrepräsentation Neros und Domitians, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017.

E. Karakasis, T. Calpurnius Siculus: A Pastoral Poet in Neronian Rome, Berlin – Boston:  De Gruyter, 2016.


R.J. Littlewood (ed.), A commentary on Silius Italicus’ Punica 10, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

K. Brodersen (ed.), Quintus Serenus. Medizinischer Rat / Liber Medicinalis(Sammlung Tusculum), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2017.

M. Flohr – A. Wilson (eds.), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford studies on the Roman economy, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.


J. Hartnett, The Roman Street: Urban Life and Society in Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Rome, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017.


S. Chandrasekaran – A. Kouremenos (eds.), Continuity and Destruction in the Greek East: The Transformation of Monumental Space From the Hellenistic Period to Late Antiquity (BAR International Series 2765), Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 2015.


C. Hawkins, Roman Artisans and the Urban Economy, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016.


C. Bolgia, Reclaiming the Roman Capitol. Santa Maria in Aracoeli from the altar of Augustus to the Franciscans, c.500 – 1450, Oxon: Routledge, 2017.

P. Boot et all. (eds.), Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing. Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2017.

S. Settis, Cieli d’Europa. Cultura, creatività, uguaglianza, Torino: Utet, 2017.

Review_1 | Review_2

E. Vaiani, The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. A catalogue raisonné. Drawings and prints in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle, the British Library, the British Museum, the Institut de France and other collections, 5. The Antichità diverse album, Turnhout: Royal Collection Trust, 2016.

The Digital Milliet Project


B. van Beek, The archive of the architektones Kleon and Theodoros (P. Petrie Kleon) (Collectanea hellenistica 7), Leuven: Peeters, 2017.


D. Gandolfi, Αrcheologia subacquea. Storia, organizzazione, tecnica e ricerche (Quaderni della Scuola interdisciplinare delle metodologie archeologiche 3), Bordighera: Istituto internazionale di studi liguri, 2017.

L. Quilici – S. Quilici Gigli (eds.), Atlante tematico di topografia antica, ATTA 27: Roma e Portus, fortificazioni, urbanistica e acquedotti, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2017.

D. Camardo – M. Notomista, Ercolano. 1927 – 1961. L’impresa archeologica di Amedeo Maiuri e l’esperimento della città museo, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2017.

D. Shotter, Nero Caesar Augustus: emperor of Rome, London – New York: Routledge, 2017.

L. Lefebvre, Le mythe Néron: la fabrique d’un monstre dans la littérature antique (Ier-Ve s.), Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2017.

E.D. Augenti, Gente dell’antica Roma. Personaggi dagli “Epigrammi” di M. Valerio Marziale, Roma: Arbor sapientiae, 2017.

U. Bultrighini – M. Torelli (eds.), Pausania, Guida della Grecia, Libro X: Delfi e la Focide, Milano: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 2017.

D.S. Richter – W.A. Johnson (eds.), The Oxford handbook of the second Sophistic, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

V. Tsamakda (ed.), A companion to Byzantine illustrated manuscripts (Brill’s companions to the Byzantine world 2), Leiden: Brill, 2017.

V. Loré – G. Bührer-Thierry – R. Le Jan, Acquérir, prélever, contrôler. Les ressources en compétition (400 – 1100) (Collection “Haut moyen âge” 25), Turnhout: Brepols, 2017.

A. Lifschitz – M. Squire (eds.). Rethinking Lessing’s Laocoon: antiquity, enlightenment, and the ‘limits’ of painting and poetry, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

S. Toussaint, “My Friend Ficino”. Art History and Neoplatonism: from Intellectual to Material Beauty, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 59 (2017), 146–173.

E. Passignat, Le fonti per la storia dell’arte. Il Cinquecento, Roma: Carocci, 2017.

S. Lenzi, La policromia dei Monochromata. La ricerca del colore su dipinti su lastre di marmo di età romana (Premio ricerca “città di Firenze” 51), Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2016.

R.K. Gibson – C. Whitton, The epistles of Pliny, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

P. Sanvito (ed.), Vitruvianism. Origins and transformations (Transformationen der Antike 33), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015.

I.R. Gammel, The power of beauty. On the aesthetics of Homer, Plato, and Cicero, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2015.

S. Formigli – A. Pacini, Dioscoride. I minerali. La sezione mineralogica nel V libro della Materia medica. Traduzione e commento (Collana di studi archeologici 4), Roma: Espera, 2015.

La lingua della Storia dell’Arte nel XX secolo. Roberto Longhi


G. Adornato (ed.), Intorno al Papiro di Artemidoro III. I Disegni. Atti del Convegno Internazionale del 4 Febbraio 2011 presso il Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, Firenze – Milano: LED (Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto), 2016.


R. Duncan-Jones, Power and privilege in Roman society, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

A. De Rosa, In obscurum coni… acumen. Sui termini skenographia e skiagraphia nel mondo classico, La Rivista di Engramma (online) 150 (2017).


N.T. Elkins, The Image of Political Power in the Reign of Nerva, AD 96-98, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

V. Rimell – M. Asper (eds.), Imagining Empire. Political Space in Hellenistic and Roman Literature (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften 153), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag, 2017.

R. Burns, Origins of the Colonnaded Streets in the Cities of the Roman East, Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

V. Platt – M.J. Squire (eds), The Frame in Classical Art: A Cultural History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

A. Grandazzi, Urbs. Histoire de la ville de Rome des origines à la mort d’Auguste, Paris: Editions Perrin, 2017.

M.A. Menze, Heliodors ‘klassische’ Ekphrase: die literarische Visualität der Aithiopika im Vergleich mit ihren Vorläufern bei Homer und Herodot sowie ihrer Rezeption bei Miguel de Cervantes (Orbis antiquus 51), Münster:  Aschendorff Verlag, 2017.


S. Bellesi, La storia della scultura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, Pisa: Pisa University Press, 2017.

E. Carrara, Sul lessico dell’arte nella prima Crusca, in G. Belloni – P. Trovato (eds.), La Crusca e i testi Filologia, lessicografia e collezionismo librario intorno al Vocabolario del 1612, Padova: Libreria Universitaria, 2017.


C.E. Barrett, Recontextualizing Nilotic Scenes: Interactive Landscapes in the Garden of the Casa dell’Efebo, Pompeii, American Journal of Archaeology 121 (2017), 293–332.


C. Torre, Ovidio e le arti figurative: questioni metodologiche e appunti di lettura, in S. Costa – F. Gallo (eds.), Miscellanea Graecolatina IV, Roma: Bulzoni, 2017, 83-96.

C. DeBevoise Corcoran, Topography and deep structure in Plato: the construction of place in the Dialogues (SUNY series in ancient Greek philosophy), Albany: SUNY Press, 2016.

A.S. Mason, Ancient Aesthetics, London – New York: Routledge, 2016.


M. Squire (ed.), Sight and the Ancient Senses. The Senses in Antiquity,  London – New York: Routledge, 2016.


R. Wachter (ed.), Töpfer – Maler – Schreiber: Inschriften auf attischen Vasen. Akten des Kolloquiums vom 20. bis 23. September 2012 an den Universitäten Lausanne und Basel / Potiers – peintres – scribes: inscriptions sur vases attiques. Actes du colloque tenu aux Universités de Lausanne et de Bâle du 20 au 23 septembre 2012 / Potters – painters – scribes: inscriptions on Attic vases. Proceedings of the colloquium held at the University of Lausanne and Basel from 20th to 23rd September 2012 (Akanthus proceedings 4), Kilchberg – Zürich:  Akanthus Verlag für Archäologie, 2016.


M. Margheritis, Plinio il Vecchio, con interventi di G. Adornato, P. Maggi, M. Mondelli e A. Roncoroni, Milano: Mimesis, 2017.

C. Rohr, Von Plinius zu Isidor und Beda Venerabilis. Zur Übernahme antiken Wissens über Witterungsphänomene im Mittelalter, in S. Dusil, G. Schwedler, R. Schwitter (eds.), Exzerpieren – Kompilieren – Tradieren: Transformationen des Wissens zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter (Millennium-Studien / Millennium studies, 64), Berlin – Boston:  De Gruyter, 2017.


A. Augoustakis, Flavian epic (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Review: C. Laudani, Bollettino di Studi Latini 47 (2017), 371-375.

              S. Finkmann, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.11.14

R. Germany, Mimetic Contagion. Art and Artifice in Terence’s Eunuch, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

H.D. Baker, Neo-Assyrian Specialists: Crafts, Offices, and Other Professional Designations (Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire 4/1: Profession Index), Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project and the Finnish Foundation for Assyriological Research, 2017.

L. Krollpfeifer, Rom bei Prudentius. Dichtung und Weltanschauung in »Contra orationem Symmachi« (Vertumnus. Berliner Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie und zu ihren Nachbargebieten, 12), Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht, 2017.

L. Canetti (ed.), Statue. Rituali, scienza e magia dalla Tarda Antichità al Rinascimento (Micrologus Library, 81), Firenze: Sismel – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2017.

E. Carrara, Spunti per una rilettura delle biografie leonardiane, in C. Frosinini, M. Ciatti (eds.), Il restauro dell’Adorazione dei Magi di Leonardo. La riscoperta di un capolavoro, Firenze: Edifir, 2017.

B. Forster (ed.), Belichtete Vergangenheit. Fotografie und Archäologie, Fotogeschichte 37, 144 (2017).

Journal for Art Market Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2017): Theories of the Art Market: Data – Value – History.


Website: Modern Classicism


Website: Health and Wellbeing in the Ancient World


 V. Platt, The Artist as Anecdote: Creating Creators in Ancient Texts and Modern Art History, in J. Haninck, R. Fletcher (eds.), Creative Lives in Classical Antiquity: Poets, Artists and Biography, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, 274–304.

G. Koch (ed.), Akten des Symposiums Römische Sarkophage, Marburg, 2.-8. Juli 2006 (Marburger Beiträge zur Archäologie, 3), Marburg: Eigenverlag des Archäologischen Seminars der Philipps-Universität, 2016.

M.P. Sacchi – M. Visioli (eds.), Scritti autobiografici di artisti tra Quattro e Cinquecento. Seminari di letteratura artistica, Pavia: Edizioni Santa Caterina, 2017.

 L. Callebat, Le De Architectura de Vitruve, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2017.

J. Haas-Lebegyev – A. Márton, Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Hongrie. Budapest, Musée des Beaux-Arts: fascicule 3. Union Academique Internationale, Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2017.

A. Stephens, Pompeii: A different perspective: Via dell’Abbondanza, a long road, well-traveled, Atlanta, GA: Lockwood Press, 2017.

C.M. Keesling, Early Greek portraiture: monuments and histories, Cambridge – New York – Port Melbourne – Delhi – Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

J.M. Wagner – F.W.J. Schelling, Report on the Aeginetan sculptures: with historical supplements. Translated, edited, and with an introduction by Louis A. Ruprecht Jr. (originally published 1817), Albany: SUNY Press, 2017.

P. Schultz – K. Seaman (eds.), Artists and artistic production in ancient Greece, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017.


B. Steger, Piazza Armerina: la villa romaine du Casale en Sicile (Antiqua, 17), Paris: Éditions Picard, 2017.

L. Todisco, Prassitele di Atene. Scultore e bronzista del IV secolo (Maestri dell’arte classica, 6), Roma: Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, 2017.

Website: The Sinai Palimpsests Project


Website: Empires of Faith


A. Cameron, Studies in Late Roman Literature and History (Munera, 41), Bari: Edipuglia, 2016.

Focus onThe Fate of Pliny’s Letters in the Late Empire.

N. Gonis – F. Maltomini – W.B. Henry – S. Slattery (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LXXXII [Nos. 5290 – 5319]. Edited with Translations and Notes (Graeco-Roman memoirs, 103),  London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2016.

V. Cazzato – A. Lardinois (eds.), The Look of Lyric: Greek Song and the Visual. Studies in archaic and classical Greek song, vol. 1 (Mnemosyne Supplements. History and archaeology of classical antiquity, 391), Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2016.


J. Kitzbichler, U.C.A. Stephan (Hg.), Studien zur Praxis der Übersetzung antiker Literatur: Geschichte – Analysen – Kritik (Transformationen der Antike, 35), Berlin:  De Gruyter, 2016.


Eidola. International Journal of Classical Art History 13 (2016)

Focus on:
– J. Lang, Images worn and transcribed. Roman gems as reflections of iconographic and cultural tradition(s).
– L. Rebaudo, Originali, copie e copisti nel mondo ellenistico e romano.
– G. Adornato, Componendi ratio: sull’iconografia di Occasio.
– G. Simeoni, Illustrare le Metamorfosi di Ovidio volgarizzate: i disegni del codice panciatichiano 63.


P. Veyne, La Villa des Mystères à Pompéi, Paris: Gallimard, 2016.

F. Blondé (éd.), L’artisanat en Grèce ancienne. Filières de production. Bilan, méthodes et perspectives, Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016.

L. Vlad Borrelli, Musivaria. Mosaico e opus sectile in età antica. Storia, tecniche, conservazione, Roma: Viella, 2016.

A. Molinari – R. Santangeli Valenzani – L. Spera (a cura di), L’archeologia della produzione a Roma (secoli V-XV), Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Roma 27-29 marzo 2014), Bari: Edipuglia, 2016.

A. Wilson – M. Flohr, Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman world (Oxford Studies on Roman Economy), Oxford: Oxford University Press,  2016.


J. Harries, A stone that feels right in the hand: Tactile memory, the abduction of agency and presence of the past, Journal of Material Culture 22 (2016), 110–130.

S. Strano, La “Tazza Farnese” Nuova analisi egittologico-semiotica. The “Farnese Cup”. A new egyptological-semiotic analysis (Collana di studi archeologici. Espera, 5), Monte Compatri: Espera, 2016.

M. Scheu, Den Marmor lebendig machen – Darstellungsmöglichkeiten des schönen Körpers in der klassischen Skulptur, Kritische Berichte: Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften 45 (2017), 47-52.

M. Formisano – P. van der Eijk (eds.), Knowledge, Text and Practice in Ancient Technical Writing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2017.

Focus on:
B. Holmes’s paper, The generous text: animal intuition, human knowledge, and written transmission in Pliny’s books on medicine.

A. Canobbio, Elementi senecani nell’epistola 3.5 di Plinio il Giovane, Athenaeum 105 (2017), 120-136.

K. T. von Stackelberg – E. Macaulay-Lewis (eds.), Housing the New Romans, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

P. Vesperini (éd.), Philosophari – Usages romains des savoirs grecs sous la République et sous l’Empire (Kaïnon – Anthropologie de la pensée ancienne, 8), Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2017.

Focus on:
– G. Sauron, Décor et conviction philosophique à Rome au temps de Cicéron.
– E. Romano, La philosophia dei «non filosofi». Varrone e Vitruvio.
– H. Dessales, Des philosophes domestiques? Production statuaire et paysages culturels dans l’habitat de Pompéi.

Pompei e i Greci, catalogo mostra, Milano: Electa, 2017

Plongée avec Pline l’Ancien – Carnet de recherche sur la biodiversité aquatique décrite au livre IX de l’Histoire Naturelle de Pline L’Ancien


Aeneid in JSTOR


A. Vial-Logeay, Les sources du savoir. Quelques remarques sur Sénèque (Q.N. VI, 8) et Pline l’Ancien (H.N., VI, 181), in P. Galand, E. Malaspina (eds.), Vérité et apparence. Mélanges en l’honneur de C. Lévy, Turnhout: Brepols, 2016, 391-407.

D. Del Bufalo, Murrina Vasa. A luxury of Imperial Rome, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2016.

E. La Rocca, Sulla bottega di Pasiteles e di Stephanos, 2. Le Appiades di Stephanos nei monumenta Asinii e nel foro di Cesare, in E. Mangani – A. Pellegrino (a cura di), Για τo φιλo μας. Scritti in ricordo di Gaetano Messineo, Monte Compatri: Edizioni Espera, 2016, 207-224.


P. Tansey, Cicero, Philippics 9.5 and the Porticus Octavia, The Classical Quarterly 66 (2016), 540-546.

B. D’Agostino, Potters and Painters in Archaic Corinth: Schemata and Images, in G. Colesanti – L. Lulli (eds.), Submerged Literature in Ancient Greek Culture, Volume 2: Case Studies, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2016, 243-258.

P. Liverani,  Il significato del colore nei marmi in età tardoantica, in P.A. Andreuccetti – D. Bindani (a cura di), Il colore nel Medioevo. Arte, simbolo e tecnica. Tra materiali costitutivi e colori aggiunti: mosaici, intarsi e plastica lapidea (Atti delle giornate di studi, Lucca 24-26 ottobre 2013), Lucca: Istituto Storico Lucchese, 2016, 23-40.


H. Lamers – B. Reitz-Joosse, The Codex Fori Mussolini: A Latin Text of Italian Fascism (Bloomsbury studies in classical reception), London – New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.


G. Ammannati, Pinxit industria docte mentis. Le iscrizioni di Virtù e Vizi dipinte da Giotto nella Cappella degli Scrovegni, Pisa: Le Edizioni della Normale, 2017.

N. Bernacchio – R. Meneghini  (a cura di), I Fori dopo i Fori. La vita quotidiana nell’area dei Fori Imperiali dopo l’Antichità, catalogo mostra, Roma: Gangemi Editore, 2017.

D. Donetti – M. Faietti – S. Frommel (a cura di), Giuliano da Sangallo. Disegni degli Uffizi, catalogo mostra, Firenze: Giunti Editore, 2017.

C. Higbie, Collectors, scholars and forgers in the ancient world, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

A. Jones, A portable cosmos. Revealing the Antikythera mechanism, scientific wonder of the ancient world, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

C.B. Kendall – F. Wallis, Isidore of Seville, On the Nature of Things. Translated with Introduction, Notes and Commentary (Translated texts for historians, 66), Liverpool:  Liverpool University Press, 2016.

E. Gentile Ortona – M. Modolo (eds.), Caylus e la riscoperta della pittura antica. Attraverso gli acquarelli di Pietro Santi Bartoli per Luigi XIV. Genesi del primo libro di storia dell’arte a colori (Studi sulla cultura dell’antico, 10), Roma: De Luca Editori, 2016.

I. Matijasic, Scylax of Caryanda, Pseudo-Scylax, and the Paris Periplus: Renconsidering the Ancient Tradition of a Geographical Text, Mare Nostrum 7 (2016), 1-19.

J. Elsner – M. Squire, Homer and the Ekphrasists: Text and Picture in the Elder Philostratus’ ‘Scamander’ (Imagines I.1),  in J. Bintliff – N.K. Rutter, The Archaeology of Greece and Rome. Studies in Honour of Anthony Snodgrass, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016, 57-99.

P. Stephenson, The serpent column: A cultural biography (Onassis series in Hellenic culture), New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Website: Photios On Line

T. Fögen, Gattungsvielfalt in den Briefen des Jüngeren Plinius: Episteln im Spannungsfeld von ethischer Unterweisung und literarischer Pluridimensionalität, Gymnasium 124 (2017), 21-60.

E.H. Cline, Three Stones Make a Wall: The Story of Archaeology, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017.

G. Hardy – L. Totelin, Ancient Botany, Abingdon – New York: Routledge, 2016.

J.-Y. Guillaumin (ed.), Isidorus Hispalensis, Étymologies, livre XV: De aedificiis et agris, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2016.

A. Casamento, Templi, case ed eloquenza. Alcuni appunti sull’impiego di metafore architettoniche tra Cicerone e Tacito, Bollettino di studi latini 46/2 (2016), 467-487.

J. Taubert (ed.), Polychrome Sculpture: Meaning, Form, Conservation, translated by C. Schulman, introduction by M.D. Marincola, Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2015.

P. Destree – P. Murray, A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics, Malden – Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

I. Bonati, Il lessico dei vasi e dei contenitori greci nei papiri: specimina per un repertorio lessicale degli angionimi greci (Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Beihefte 37), Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2016.

A. Bonadeo, I colori nell’antichità classica: lessico e teorie. Suggestioni da Goethe, in: S. Audano – G. Cipriani (eds), Aspetti della Fortuna dell’Antico nella Cultura Europea. Atti della Dodicesima Giornata di Studi, Sestri Levante, 13 marzo 2015 (Echo 18). Foggia: Il Castello Edizioni, 2016, 187-220.

S. Lenzi, Tutti i colori di Augusto. Uno status quaestionis dello studio della policromia su opere in marmo di età augustea, in: A. Busetto – E. Bedin (eds), Sulle tracce di Augusto (Antichità Alto-Adriatiche 82), Trieste: Editreg, 2016, 47-61.

J.-A. Shelton, Pliny the Younger: Selected Letters, Mundelein (IL): Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc., 2016.

J. McInerney – I. Sluiter (eds), Valuing Landscape in Classical Antiquity. Natural Environment and Cultural Imagination, with the assistance of B. Corthals (Mnemosyne. Supplements 393), Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2016.

Pline l’ancien. Histoire naturelle. Livre IV, texte établi, traduit et commenté par H. Zehnacker, A. Silberman (Collection des universités de France. Série latine, 409), Paris:  Les Belles Lettres, 2015.

L. Mancini, In pictura summa sublimitas. Su una lettura militante di Plinio il Vecchio nella Francia del Settecento, Quaderni del ramo d’oro 7 (2015), 129-146.

G. Adornato, Lysippus without the Kairos. A Greek Masterpiece between Art and Literature, Jarbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 130 (2015), 159-182.

E. Spangenberg Yanes, Sulla nozione di color e χρῶμα nella retorica della prima età imperiale, Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici 75 (2015), 79-104.

E. Aloiz, J. Douglas, A. Nagel, Painted Plaster and Glazed Brick Fragments from Achaemenid Pasargadae and Persepolis, Iran, Heritage Science Journal 4.3 (2016).

K. Galinsky, K. Lapatin (eds.), Cultural Memories in the Roman Empire, Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2016.

H. Lamers, Pseudo-Classical Phantom Words in Latin Literature and Scholarship. The Case of dicatura from Pliny the Elder’s Preface, Latomus 74, 4 (2015), 1014-1036.

D. Conso, Forma: études sémantique et étymologique, Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2015.

E. Brun et all., Revealing metallic ink in Herculaneum papyri, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016.

V. Naas – M. Simon (eds.). De Samos à Rome: personnalité et influence de Douris (Modernité classique), Nanterre: Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2015.

M. Wellington Gahtan – D. Pegazzano, Museum archetypes and collecting in the ancient world, Leiden: Brill, 2015.

S. Page, Der ideale Aristokrat: Plinius der Jüngere und das Sozialprofil der Senatoren in der Kaiserzeit (Studien zur Alten Geschichte, 24), Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015.

U. Vedder, Der Koloss von Rhodos: Archäologie, Herstellung und Rezeptionsgeschichte eines antiken Weltwunders, Mainz: Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2015.

G. Frison – G. Brun, Ground lapis lazuli. A new approach to the history of the colour term ‘azure’ and the pigment ultramarine blue up to the 13th Century, in M. Rossi – D. Casciani (eds.), Colour and Colorimetry. Multidisciplinary Contributions Vol. XI B, Proceedings of the 11th Conferenza del Colore – Politecnico di Milano, Milan, 10-11 September 2015, Milano 2015, 265-276.

Website: Public Monuments in Roman Greece University of Oxford / Marie Curie Actions

A.C. Christina, E. Foster, J.P. Hallett (eds.), Kinesis: The Ancient Depiction of Gesture, Motion, and Emotion. Essays for Donald Lateiner, Ann Arbor:  University of Michigan Press, 2015.

Focus on: Ellen Finkelpearl’s essay “Elephant Tears: Animal Emotion in Pliny and Aelian”

F. Guadalupe Masi – S. Maso (eds.), Epicurus on Eidola: Peri Phuseos Book II. Update, Proposals, and Discussions (Lexis Ancient Philosophy 10),  Amsterdam:  Adolf M. Hakkert, 2015.
Focus on:
– T. Dorandi, Libri dell’opera ‘Sulla natura’ di Epicuro in più esemplari, 17-34 (on Antigonus of Carystos)
– A. Corti, Ὁμοιοςχήμων e ὁμοιόμορφος. Alcune riflessioni sulle proprietà degli εἴδωλα nella dottrina di Epicuro, Aurora Corti 83-106 (on terminology)

H. Hochscheid, Networks of Stone: Sculpture and Society in Archaic and Classical Athens (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship Between the Arts, 35), Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015.

G. Hedreen, The Image of the Artist in Archaic and Classical Greece: Art, Poetry, and Subjectivity, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

[Review] J. Serratti, Éditer les fragments des historiens romains. Quelques remarques en marge de: T.J. Cornell (éd.), The Fragments of the Roman Historians, Oxford, OUP, 2013, Latomus 74, 4 (2015), 1077. 

 M. Betrò, Gli erbari nell’antico Egitto, in A. Actis Caporale, E. D’Amicone, F. Relats, P. Ramon Tragan (eds.), Naturalia e Artificialia: Le piante e i fiori d’Egitto nell’esperienza museografica degli scavi e degli erbari, Barcelona, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, S.A., 2016, 41-60.

J. Borsch, L. Carrara (eds.), Erdbeben in der Antike. Deutungen – Folgen – Repräsentationen (Bedrohte Ordnungen 4), Tübingen: Mohr Siebek, 2016.

P. Linant de Bellefonds, É. Prioux, A. Rouveret (eds.), D’Alexandre à Auguste. Dynamiques de la création dans les arts visuels et la poésie, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2016.

 C. Roby, Technical Ekphrasis in Greek and Roman Science and Literature: the Written Machine between Alexandria and Rome, Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

O. Devillers (ed.), Autour de Pline le Jeune: en hommage à Nicole Méthy (Scripta antiqua, 74), Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2015.

Focus on:
– O. Devillers, Néron selon Pline le Jeune: entre Pline l’Ancien, Tacite et Trajan, 61-74;
– N. Méthy, Magie, religion et botanique. À propos de la formule herbae felicitas dans un passage de Pline l’Ancien,  89-102.

E. Scioli, Dream, Fantasy, and Visual Art in Roman Elegy (Wisconsin Studies in Classics), Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2015.

F. Cairns – R. Gibson (eds.), Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar, 16, 2016. Greek and Roman poetry: the Elder Pliny (Arca Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 54), Prenton: Francis Cairns, 2016.

P. Fane-Saunders, Pliny the Elder and the emergence of Renaissance architecture, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

W. Fitzgerald, Variety: The Life of a Roman Concept,  Chicago – London:  University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Focus on: Variety in Pliny

G. Brizzi, 70 d.C. La conquista di Gerusalemme (I Robinson/Letture), Roma-Bari: GLF Editori Laterza, 2015.

E. Moignard, Master of Attic Black-Figure Painting: The Art and Legacy of Exekias, London – New York:  I. B. Tauris, 2015.

G. Squillace, Le lacrime di Mirra: miti e luoghi dei profumi nel mondo antico (Saggi 822), Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 2015.

L. Pelletier-Michaud, Aux origines poétiques de la couleur: pour une approche littéraire des lexiques chromatiques anciens. L’exemple des élégiaques latins et de leurs modèles grecs, Anabases 23 (2016), 278-289.


Presentation (from the website)
“ToposText is a new interface that links readers and travelers to Europe’s most ancient literary culture and to the Greek landscape that inspired it. TT presents 5000 places relevant to the ancient Greek world — ancient cities and shrines, medieval castles and towers, modern museums and excavation sites — primarily in Greece but including major places from Spain to the Caucasus. It links those places to the ancient authors who wrote about them in Greek or Latin”.

Cultures in Fragments. Multifaceted Approaches to the Knowledge of Mediterranean Antiquity Through Partial Remains (Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples, November 30 – December 2, 2023)

Deadline: July 20, 2023

Antiquaires voyageurs (XVIe-XIXe siècles) (Academia Belgica and École française de Rome, June 26-28, 2024)

Deadline: July 31, 2023

The Future by the Sea: Engaging with Maritime Archaeological Research During the Climate Emergency (University of Helsinki and Fundación Anfibia Colombia, November 4, 2023)

Deadline: July 31, 2023

Classicamente – Sienese Dialogues on the Ancient World (Università di Siena, November 2023 – March 2024)

Deadline: July 31, 2023

Consulta Universitaria di Studi Latini – VII Seminario nazionale per Dottorandi e Dottori di ricerca in Studi Latini (Università Roma Tre, December 1, 2023)

Deadline:  July 31, 2023

Lecturae Ciceronis 2024. Le De inventione entre philosophie, droit et rhétorique (Sorbonne Université, Paris, March 21-22, 2024)

Deadline: August 31, 2023

Romance Languages in Medieval Latin Documentation (University of Lisbon, January 18-19, 2024)

Deadline: August 31, 2023

Insolitus: usages et contextes peu ordinaires (Espace Marc Bloch, MSH Lyon 7, October 20, 2023)

Deadline: September 1, 2023

Journal of Open Humanities Data – Representing the Ancient World through Data

Deadline: September 1, 2023

Otium: visions profanes, visions chrétiennes. Actes du colloque en hommage à Blandine Colot

Deadline: September 1, 2023

L. Sergius Catilina – History and Tradition (Lublin, Poland, November 14-15, 2023)

Deadline: September 4, 2023

Les arts du roman grec des textes antiques à leur réception moderne et contemporaine (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, November 7, 2023)

Deadline: September 5, 2023

«Piove / non sulla favola bella…». Parody between Literature and Performance Studies (Doctoral Conference, Università di Verona, November 16-18, 2023)

Deadline: September 5, 2023

Vita Latina n° 204, 2024

Deadline: September 15, 2023

Voiceless Writing? Epigrams, Performance and Oral Poetry (Università di Bologna, May 30-31, 2024)

Deadline: September 30, 2023



 Carlo Odo Pavese Prize – For a PhD or an MA About Literary Computing or Digital Philology 

Deadline: August 11, 2023

Premio Renzo Ceglie – Edipuglia

Deadline: September 30, 2023

Vesuvius Challenge – A Machine Learning and Computer Vision Competition to Read the Herculaneum Papyri

Deadline: December 31, 2023

A Collector’s Eye: Freer in Egypt
Washington D.C., Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art, January 28, 2023 – ongoing


The Horse and Rider from Albania
Los Angeles, The Getty Villa, July 26, 2023 – January 29, 2024


Pompeii: The Exhibition
Chicago, Museum of Science and Industry, February 23 – September 4, 2023


The Gold Emperor from Aventicum
The Getty Villa, Los Angeles, May 31, 2023 – January 29, 2024


L’istante e l’eternità. Tra noi e gli antichi

Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, Terme di Diocleziano, May 4 – July 30, 2023


Archäologische Schätze aus Usbekistan. Von Alexander dem Großen bis zum Reich der Kuschan
Berlin, Neues Museum, James-Simon-Galerie, May 4, 2023 – January 14, 2024


Plinio Effetto Serra. Artwork by Vanni Cuoghi

Cernobbio (Como), Villa Bernasconi, March 25 – October 2, 2023

Roman Landscapes: Visions of Nature and Myth from Rome and Pompei

San Antonio Museum of Art, February 24 – May 21, 2023

La Roma della Repubblica. Il racconto dell’Archeologia

Roma, Musei Capitolini, Palazzo Caffarelli, January 13 – September 24, 2023

Patrimonium Appiae. Depositi emersi
Roma, Parco Archeologico dell’Appia Antica, October 22, 2022 – June 30, 2023


Wonder and Wakefulness: The Nature of Pliny the Elder
Cornell University, Johnson Museum of Art, January 21 – June 11, 2023


Animali nel mondo antico
Verona, Museo Archeologico al Teatro Romano, October 25, 2022 – October 1, 2023


SPECTACULAIRE! Le divertissement chez les Romains
Lyon, October 6, 2022 – June 11, 2023


Stories from the ArchiveOnline exhibition

Imperatrici, matrone, liberte. Volti e segreti delle donne romane
Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi

Online tour of the exhibition

Return to Palmyra

Online exhibition, Getty Research Institute

Antiquarium of Pompeii


Don’t miss the online activities of the Museo Egizio in Turin


Florence – Museo Archeologico Nazionale: a Digital Journey


Parco archeologico del Colosseo: the ‘fifth site’


The British Museum accessible from remote


Museo Archeologico di Stabia Libero D’Orsi – Reggia di Quisisana


Discover a piece of the Getty Collection


Pliny the Elder at the British Museum?

Click here to learn more!

Visit museums and archaeological sites at home!

National Archaeological Museum of Naples

Archaeological Park of Pompeii

A visit to the Trajan’s Column

Click here!

Discover the Torlonia collection

Archaeology Today | Transporting Sculpture in the Ancient Mediterranean


Archaeology Today | Classical Traditions in the ‘Dark Ages’


New Discoveries | Buddha in… Egypt!


Ancient World Today | Fragments: a New Play 


Performances | All-Night Epic: Gilgamesh


Colours Today | Reinventing Colours 


Archaeology & Technology | Discovering Luwian Culture


Materials |  Why do Roman buildings survive to time?


Como Romana | New Projects to Discover the Roman Past of Como


Contemporary Archaeology | Contemporary Art Meets Ancient Rome


Art Techniques | From Fire to Wine: Ancient Greek Pottery


New Discoveries | Assyrian Reliefs from Nineveh 


New Discoveries | Bronze Statues and Other Extraordinary Finds from the Ancient Sanctuary in San Casciano dei Bagni (Siena)




Archaeology & Technology | Persepolis Reimagined

Details 1  | Details 2

Ancient Languages Today | Deciphering Linear Elamite 


New Openings | Discovering the Domus at the Baths of Caracalla


New Discoveries | An Intact Roman Temple in Herwen (Netherlands)

Details 1 | Details 2

New Openings | The Ipogeo dei Cristallini re-opens in Napoli


New Discoveries | A Marble Head from Antikythera 


New Discoveries | Digging Caesar’s Forum 


New Technologies | Analysing DNA in Pompeii

Details 1 | Details 2

Archaeology & Technologies |  Discovering the Digital Museum of Herculaneum


Natural Histories | The Book of the Marvels of the World (Secrets of Natural History)


New Discoveries | Recent Findings in Como 

Mosaic | Hoard 1 | Hoard 2

New Openings | The Casa della Gemma in Herculaneum reopens after restorations


Archaeology & Technology | Meet SPOT, the Dog-like Robot Roaming the Ruins of Pompeii


Latin Language Today | How to Teach Latin?


Art & Technology | Discovering the Esquiline Hill with MusEQ


Special Openings | February at the Villa di Livia and the Arco di Malborghetto in Rome


New Findings | The Archaic Temple of Athena on the Acropolis of Paestum 

Details 1 | Details 2

New Findings | Falerio Picenus: Google Earth Reveals New Structure


Art Techniques | Making Manuscripts


New Openings | The “Ipogeo dei Cristallini” in Naples will open to the Public


New Discoveries | Monumental Tombs discovered along the via Latina in Rome


Art Technique | In the Workshop of Egyptian Painters


Lost Works | The Lost Mosaic from Caligula’s Ship Re-appeared  


New Openings | Discover the Horti Lamiani: The Museo Ninfeo opens in Rome


New Openings | Visit the arch of Janus at the Velabro


New Discoveries | Inspired by the Domus Aurea: grotesque style in 16th-century England


New Discoveries | Slaves’ life in Roman times: new insights from Pompeii 


New Discoveries | Roman Boiserie found in Chartre


New Discoveries | A skeleton in the Lava Rock: Escaping from Herculaneum 


Roman Life | At the “Villa of the Papyri” in Malibu with Jessie Hendricks and curator Ken Lapatin


New Discoveries | Emperor Claudius’ boundary stone unearthed in Rome

Details 1 | Details 2

The Plinii Today | Discovering Como and its past

Details 1 | Details 2

New Openings | The House of the Vestals in the Forum Romanum restored


New Openings | The hypogea of the Colosseum open to the public


Archaeology & Media | Podcast series “The Sustainable Past”


Art Theory | Discover the autograph of De prospectiva Pingendi by Piero della Francesca and the Scapigliata by Leonardo da Vinci at the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma


Archaeology & Literary Sources | Herodotus and the Battle of Himera: New Discoveries


Art & Innovation | The Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli is online on ITsART with 46 MANN stories 


Upcoming Openings | The Domus Aventino in Rome

Details 1 | Details 2

New Discoveries | Gladiator arena from Roman era discovered in Turkey

Details 1 | Details 2

Restoration | The Winning Project for the reconstruction of the Colosseum’s Arena


Pliny’s world | Vesuvius Victim Identified at Herculaneum 

Details 1 | Details 2

Art Techniques | The Colors in Mesopotanian Sculpture


Archaeology and Technology | Ancient Athens in 3D


New Discoveries | New Burials from the Vatican Necropolis


Teaching & Pandemic | Material for Studying the Ancient Monuments of Rome by Mark Letteney (University of Southern California)

Details | Material

Latin Language Today | XL Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas – May 2021


Pliny & Botanics | Silphium: the Lost Plant of Cyrene


Upcoming Openings | Colle Oppio in Rome


New Excavations | The Forum of Caesar


New Archaeological Park | The Green Amphitheater of Milan

Details 1 | Details 2

Restoration | Pompeii, Casa dei Ceii


New Discoveries 1 |  A Roman Villa at Nîmes


New Discoveries 2 | The Water System of Gadara


Art & Innovation | A New Blue on the Market 


Archaeology and Cinema | The dig

The film | Inside “The dig” 1 | Inside “The dig” 2

New Discoveries 1 | The Roman walls and a tomb resurface under the Spanish School


New Discoveries 2 | The Amphitheater of Fondi


Ancient World & Technology | Reading the Herculaneum papyri today 

Detail 1 | Detail 2

Monuments of Rome | A floor for the Colosseum


New discoveries | A thermopolium in Pompeii


Restoration | The Alexander mosaic restored

Details 1 | Details 2

Reception | Elisabetta Sirani’s Classical Heroines 


The Plinii Today | Daisy Dunn, All’ombra del Vesuvio. Vita di Plinio


Roman Rediscoveries | The floors of the Basilica Aemilia …


…and its new inhabitant!


New Discoveries | The Trajan’s Forum: under the Via Alessandrina


Beyond the Romans | A new civilization from Amazoniapage7image3755504

Discover Rome | “Roma ieri e oggi”: how the Urbs has changed


New Discoveries | Follow on FB the amazing discoveries at the amphitheatre in Volterra


Archaeology & Media | Archaeologists you should know

Theresa B. Goell
Recommend an Archaeologist

Archaeology & Literary Sources | Uncovering Troy


Archaeology & Technology | What did the Roman Emperors look like?


Archaeology & Media | Agalma: The MANN at the 77ª Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia


New Discoveries | Findings along the Via Ostiense


The Plinii Today | Pliny for children at the Villa del Grumello, Como


The Plinii Today | A mosaic dedicated to Pliny in Blevio (Como)


New Discoveries | Roman mosaics found in Sardinia 


The Latin Today | Latine loquimur: Discover the Uffizi in Latin

Discover Rome | The Parco Archeologico del Colosseo in the Italian Sign Language


Re-openings in safety | Ready to follow Pliny’s steps again?

Musei in Comune – Roma | Parco Archeologico del Colosseo | Parco Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei | Parco Archeologico di Pompei

The Plinii Today | Hortus Plinii at the Villa del Grumello: a Botanic Garden in Como


Archaeology & Science | Falerii Novi unrevealed


New Discoveries | A Roman Mosaic under the Amarone Vineyards in Negrar, North Italy

Ancient Colors | Deep Purple

The Plinii Today | Reading in lockdown: Review of “Gli ultimi giorni del comandante Plinio”


New Discoveries | Recycling rubbish in Pompeii

The Plinii Today | OltrePlinio for Pliny’s Bimillenary


New Discoveries | Disappeared Attic temples revealed


The Plinii Today | The Shadow of Vesuvius: A Life of Pliny


Art & Media | The Blue Knight: an animation on the color blue


The Plinii Today | Accademia Pliniana: the VIS COMENSIS Museum


The Plinii Today | From Japan a manga on Pliny


Ancient Languages Today | Certamen di letteratura scientifica e tecnica greca e latina


The Plinii Today | Pliny the Elder’s skull? 

Details 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

New Discoveries | Herculaneum, fragments of brain from the excavations


New Openings | A new life for the Mausoleum of Augustus


Classics and Media | From Rome to Japan: Thermae Romae Manga

Details | Review

The Plinii Today | At school with Pliny


New openings | Horti Tauriani: the Basilica of Porta Maggiore in Rome


New Findings_1 | New Tombs in Pylos


New Findings_2 | Galen’s lab in Rome 


The Plinii Today | Pliny the Elder, the First Wine Critic


New Openings | Visit the House of Bicentenary in Herculaneum 


The Plinii Today | A garden inspired by the Naturalis Historia in Como


New Openings | Exploring the Newly Reopened Domus Transitoria


Art & Science | Rome, a cosmopolitan city


The Plinii Today | The last days of Pliny the Elder: a historical novel


Ancient Languages Today | Latine cano – Let’s sing in Latin!


The Plinii Today | Reaching out via Pliny


New Openings_1 | Many fora, one path


New Openings_2 | The ancient ships of Pisa


Restoration | The Drunken Satyr at the Getty Villa

Art & Technology | Zooming in on Petra 


Ancient Languages Today | Latin on air


Classics Restaged | FAcT 2019


New Findings | A new room of the Domus Aurea

New Discoveries | The identification of Gaugamela


Art & Technology | New frontiers for cultural heritage


Classics & Technology | A guide to Euclid’s Geometry on the web

Details 1 | 2

Archaeology & Literary Sources | Herodotus was right! 


Classics & Media | How a manuscript is created


New Displays | Eurysaces’ tomb in the Centrale Montemartini


New Openings | Villa Adriana, the Serapeum opens to public


New Findings | The Romans who escaped Mt. Vesuvius


New Openings | Nero’s Domus Transitoria opens to public


Classics & Science | Studying the DNA of old books


The Plinii Today | A museum dedicated to the Plinii in Como


Art & Technology | The amphitheater of Catania “lives” again


Classics & Media | “Il primo re”, a film on Romulus and Remus in ancient Latin

Review_1  | Review_2 | Review_3

The Plinii Today | Como celebrates the bimillenian of Pliny  


New Findings | A year in Pompeii: 2018 AD


New Research | Lawine: Law and Ancient Wine


Art&Technology | The artificial intelligence which solves archaeological puzzles


New openings | Classis Ravenna: a new archaeological museum at Classe (Ravenna)


New Findings | Explorations under the Basilica of St John Lateran


Waiting for the New Year | Top 10 Archaeological discoveries of 2018


New Openings | The Roman section at the Archaeological Museum ‘Paolo Giovio’, Como


Ideas | Engaging viewers in ancient art museums


Art Market | The first auctioning of an AI-generated artwork


New Findings | When did the Vesuvius erupt? A new date for Pliny the Elder’s death

Details 1 | 2 | Update

New Findings | Three marble heads found in Aquinum  


Classics & Media | Rome Reborn


The Plinii Today | Piccolo Hortus Pliniano


New Findings | A hoard discovered in Como


Archaeology & Literary Sources | Odyssey extract on clay tablet


New Findings | Election day in ancient Pompeii


New Openings | A Roman Villa in Positano


Classics on Holiday | Visiting the Acropolis in miniature


New Findings | A victim of the Vesuvius eruption 


New Opening | Musée de la Romanité, Nîmes

Link | Details

Classics Restaged | Festival of Academic Theatre (FAcT)


The Plinii Today | A literary park in Como


New Discoveries | Tracking the Earliest Citrus in the Mediterranean


New Findings | A Roman aqueduct uncovered in Cadiz


New Openings | Next stop: Ancient Rome


Art News | Trials and tribulations of Vasari’s archive in Arezzo


New Openings | Horti Farnesiani on the Palatine Hill


Contexts | Milan in Roman time: a new project


Archaeology & Literary Sources | Ancient lens technology: between material evidence and Pliny’s accounts


Art Techniques | Egyptian Faience: Technology and Production


Restoration | Ships from Naples Underground wait for restoration


Courses | Roman Gems and Jewelry: The Art of Adornment at the Getty Villa
April 14, 2018


Ancient Languages Today | Certamen Latinum “Nova Humanitas”

Deadline: May 31, 2018

New Findings_1 | A new necropolis in Firenze


New Findings_2 | The Hellenistic theater in Agrigento: first results of the excavations


New Findings_3 | The earliest tomb of a Scythian Prince


New Findings_4 | Rome, Metro Amba Aradam: the Domus of the Centurion comes to light


New Openings | The Palace of Aigai opens to public


Archaeology and Literary Sources_1 | Cooking Panis Quadratus with Pliny as a guide


Archaeology and Literary Sources_2 | Nero’s cenatio rotunda


Art Market | Caligula’s mosaic from Nemi comes back to Italy


Art & Media_1 | A TV series on Roman Emperors by Martin Scorsese


Art & Media_2 | Welcome to Rome, an “archeoshow” by Paco Lanciano


Art & Media_3 | A film on Palladio


Art & Technology | If GoT was set in Rome


Ancient Languages Today_1 | Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas
Deadline: April 10, 2018


Ancient Languages Today_2 | A revival of Latin Language


New findings_1 | Underwater search at Naxos


New findings_2 | Abukir Bay: the Greek city of Thonis-Heracleion


New findings_3 | Research in Sicily


Art & Media | Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable


Art & Technology_1 | Reproducing artworks today


Art & Technology_2 | UMA, Universal Museum of Art


Art Techniques | Lost-wax bronze casting: how it works


Ancient Languages Today_1 | How learning Latin could change your life


Ancient Languages Today_2 | Re-introduction of ancient languages in Scottish schools


Ancient Languages Today_3 | Certamen Senecanum

Deadline: March 8, 2018

New findings_1 | A masterpiece of Minoan glyptic

Details 1 | Details 2

New findings_2 | New paintings by Raffaello at the Musei Vaticani


New findings_3 | Palimpsests reveal new ancient texts


New findings_4 | From Rome’s new subway


New openings_1 | Pompeii, Casa del Marinaio and Complesso Championnet open to public


New openings_2 | Porticus Octaviae restored


Art & Practice | “Drawing from Antiquity” course at The Getty Villa
Venus and Cupid, February 10, 2018
Drawing Spring Flowers, March 31, 2018


Art & Technology | A new look at ancient Rome


Ancient Languages Today | Certamen “Concetto Marchesi” – VII Edizione


New openings_1 | The London Mithraeum


New openings_2 | Louvre Abu Dhabi

Details | A 360° view

New findings_1 | A Roman sundial from Interamna Lirenas


New findings_2 | The oldest wine production ever found


Contexts_1 | Herbal medicine at palace in Ebla


Contexts_2 | The Roman street in Tyre is not a street! 


Archaeology and Literary Sources_1 | Privata Traiani Domus


Archaeology and Literary Sources_2 | The Roman harbour in Lecce


Archaeology and Literary Sources_3 | Qumran Scrolls and skeletons


Latin Language Today | Last broadcast for Nuntii Latini

Details | Debate | Weblink

Art Market | The most expensive artwork sold at auction and related trends

Details 1 | Details 2 | Details 3

Reuses | A contemporary artwork from damaged marbles


Archaeology and Literary Sources_1: Was the Trojan Horse a Horse?


Archaeology and Literary Sources_2: Strabo’s mistake


New Finds: a Medieval Kiln in Florence


New Openings: the Tomba Barberini


Heritage and Conservation: the Hadrian’s Wall at risk


Reuses: an Egyptian Sarcophagus in the Monumental Cemetery of Turin


News from Antikythera


Why was art history born?


Rome, Metro C: ancient walls appear from the ground


Messages from the border


New findings in Pompeii


Scanning Pyramids


Manuscript with Hippocrates’ recipes found


Strategies for museums


The debate on Pliny’s skull continues


Roman subway


New findings at the Foce del Sele


News in Latin


Detecting the provenance of materials: the case of Ötzi’s axe


Virtual unrolling of ancient scroll


Digital Humanities: a project for Venice and a debate

Details | Debate 1 | Debate 2

Egyptian Blue: The First Synthetic Pigment


Archaeology in Rome: new findings from the Imperial Age


The World’s Oldest Art Studio


Nero is back! A show and a debate

Details | Debate 1 | Debate 2

The Arch of Titus in Color


New blue shade discovered


Pompeii – Regio VII


Aqueduct found in Rome


Latin crosswords


The Oplontis Project


Fountains in Pompeii Restored


New findings in Qumran


Ancient artistic techniques between Greek and Chinese worlds


A virtual visit to an ancient house in Pompeii


Caravaggio at work


The first translation of Pliny the Elder’s Natural History into Italian is now online


Herculaneum, scientists read papyrus scrolls without opening


The Antikythera Mechanism: scientists decipher its purpose


Codex Rossanensis restaured


Discovery of a Roman fresco in London


Vantablack, Anish Kapoor’s blackest black


Paul Klee’s personal notebooks online


Pliny the Elder Beer: Double India Pale Ale


Earliest Evidence for Egyptian Blue


Art and Materiality: Visits to the Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale”


Art in context: The Nile mosaic of Palestrina
