In the Tower of Ugolino, Between Dante and Pliny 

Bright 2022 – Notte Europea delle ricercatrici e dei ricercatori


Pisa, Piazza dei Cavalieri, Biblioteca della Scuola Normale, September 30, 2022


Free entrance – Reservation required here



The OltrePlinio project, in collaboration with the Biblioteca della Scuola Normale, is glad to take part in Bright 2022, by presenting the digital tools of the project and showing Pliny the Elder’s Renaissance translations owned by the library and digitalized during the last years.
Guided by librarians and the OltrePlinio team, people will visit the tower where Ugolino della Gherardesca was jailed and discover Pliny’s fortune in Dante, in the Middle Age and later. It will be the occasion to see precious editions and to understand how technology has changed the studies of ancient civilizations.

Read more on the Bright 2022 website


Press: Toscana Notizie | Normale News