Le memorie del comandante. Plinio da Como a Miseno

Bacoli and Naples, October 22-25, 2021


The OltrePlinio project, in collaboration with the Accademia Pliniana and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN), has given its scientific support to this event, dedicated to the life, career and thoughts of Pliny the Elder, and to the places where he lived and acted. Prof. Gianfranco Adornato will offer a guided tour at the MANN, together with the Director Paolo Giulierini, entitled “Plinio al MANN. Visita guidata al museo” (October 22, 3.45 pm). It will follow the lecture “Admiratio, obliteratio: Plinio e la natura dell’arte” (5.45 pm).

Detailed program

View the video presentation

Press: QuiCampiFlegrei | Corriere di Como