Christopher H. Hallett (University of California, Berkeley) will give a series of lectures on Ancient Art History
14 marzo 2016, ore 15,00
(aula Russo)
Spirantia aera, vivos vultus – ‘Breathing bronze, living faces’:
the making of portraits at Aphrodisias and Rome
15 marzo 2016, ore 11,00
(aula Bianchi)
Jointly with Ursula Quatemberg (University of Graz)
The Roman Bouleuterion of Aphrodisias and its Late Antique Phases
23 marzo 2016, ore 15,00
(aula Russo)
The impact of Roman collecting on late Hellenistic bronzes, large and small
24 marzo 2016, ore 11,00
(Camposanto Monumentale)
Roman sarcophagi
30 marzo 2016, ore 15,00
(Gipsoteca, San Paolo all’Orto)
Session in the Cast Gallery: Archaic and Early Classical Greek Sculpture and its later Greek and Roman Reception
31 marzo 2016, ore 11,00
(aula Mancini)
The First Phase of the Augustan Building Program at Rome – 36-20 BC: The Early Augustan “Archaic Revival”